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资料题:The author gives examples, such as education, longer life and high positions of women,to show that( )。


A.men are no weaker than women

B.women are less stronger than men

C.men are stronger than women

D.women are mo weaker than men


In sports the sexes are separate.Women and men do not nun or swim in the same races.Women are less strong than men.That at least is what people say.Women are called“the weaker sex" , or, if men want to please them,“the fair sex" .But boys and girls are taught together at schools and universities.There are women who are famous prime ministers, scientists and writers.And women live longer than men.A European woman can expect to live until the age of74, a man only until he is 68.Are woman's bodies really weaker?The fastest men can run a mile under four minutes.The best women need 4.5 minutes.Women 's times are always slower than men 's, but some facts are a surprise.Some of the fastest women swimmers today are teenage girls.One of them swam 400 metre s in 4 minutes 21.2 seconds when she was 16.The first fastest man swimmer was an Olympic winner, named Johnny Weissmuller.His 400 metre s was 4 minutes 59.1 seconds, which is 37.9 seconds slower than a girl 50 years later! This does not mean that women are catching u with men.Conditions are very different now, and sport is much more serious.it is 80 serious that some women athletes are given hormone injections.At the Olympics a doctor has to check whether the women athletes are really women or not.It seems sad that sports have such problems.Life can be very complicated when there are two separate sexes!


  • 1The author women are the weaker sex( )。

    A.doubts that

    B.believes that

    C.doesn't know whether

    D.is in favor of the view that

  • 2It is implied but not directly :stated that sometimes certain( )。

    A.man athletes take part in the women' sraces

    B.man athletes pretend to be woman athletes to take part in the women's races

    C.women pretend to be man athletes to take part in mien's Traces

    D.woman athletes are not really willing to take part in the women' sraces

  • 3The word“serious”in paragraph 3 most probably means( )。





  • 4We may conclude from the passage that( )。

    A.women are weak only in bodies

    B.it is hard to say that women are weaker sex

    C.atleast women swim fester than men

    D.the younger is a woman, the faster she swims
