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资料题:We can't see the other stars when the sun is out because( )。


A.The sun is bigger than other stars

B.The sun is hotter than other stars

C.The sun is closer to earth than other stars

D.The sun is too bright


The gold ball you see in the sky is our sun.Our sun is really a star.It is just like the ones you see at right.We can't see the other stars when the sun is out.That's because our star gives of so much light.Our sun isn't the biggest star.But it is the closest.So to us, it looks bigger and lighter than the other stars.We live on the earth.It does not stay sill.It is always turning.When the part of the earth we live on is facing the sun, we have day.When the part of the earth we live on is not facing the sun, we have night.So the sun gives us day and night.The light from the sun helps us in other ways, too.Plants use the light to make food.This helps them grow.Then animals eat the plants.People can eat the plants and the animals.So our sun helps us get our food.The sun, like all stars, is a big ball of fire.It is very hot.So it keeps the earth from getting too cold.If it weren't for the sun, the earth would be a big ball of ice.The sun does many good things for us.But it can hurt us, too.Doctors tell us that we  should not stay out in the sun too long.And we should never look right at it.ht can hurt our eyes.


  • 1The sun helps the earth by( )。

    A.giving it light

    B.giving it heat

    C.giving it rain

    D.BothA and B

  • 2According to the 8econd paragraph, it is obvious that the earth( )。

    A.stays still

    B.moves with the sun

    C.rotates on its own axis

    D.isthe only planet which has day and night

  • 3Which of the following statements does NOT belong to the benefits of the sum for human beings( )。

    A.Staying out in the sun makes the human skin healthier

    B.The sun provides us with food indirectly

    C.The sun provides us with a suitable condition of temperature in which we can live

    D.The sun gives as day and night

  • 4What is the reason why the sun appears larger than other stars( )。

    A.The sun is brighter

    B.The sun is the biggest star

    C.The sun is the closest star to the earth

    D.The sun is hotter
