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资料题:What did the bear do when he saw the man lying on the ground( )。


A.He told the man not to believe his friend

B.He went straight away

C.He was scared away by the man

D.He sniffed and left the man behind


Two friends were traveling together through a forest.One of them said:"If we meet any wild beasts, I'll help you and you'll help me.’’"That's fine, "said his friend, and they walked on.Suddenly a big bear ran out from behind a tree.The man who said he would help his friend at once got up a tree and hid himself among the leaves.The other man could not climb trees.So he threw himself on the ground, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.The bear came up and sniffed at the man's head.It put its nose close to his mouth and ears.The man held his breath.The bear thought he was dead and walked away, for bears never touch dead men.When the bear was gone, and all was safe, the man in the tree came down.With a smile,he asked his friend:"What did the bear tell you when he put his nose so close to your ears?""Well," said his friend,"the bear said: .Don't trust those who leave their friends the moment they get into difficulty!''A friend in need is a friend indeed.


  • 1Why didn't the bear hut the man lying on the ground( )。

    A.The man was dead

    B.He thought the man was dead

    C.Bears never ate people

    D.The man begged the bear not to eat him

  • 2What did the man who said he would help his friend do when a big bear ran out from behind a tree( )。

    A.He offered to help his fiend

    B.He fought with the bear

    C.He climbed up a tree

    D.He told his friend to run away

  • 3The story goes between( )。

    A.two friends

    B.two friends and the bear

    C.two strangers

    D.two strangers and the bear

  • 4What lesson can we learn from the story( )。

    A.Never trust those who speak good words to you

    B.A friend in need is a friend indeed

    C.Action is better than words

    D.Don't be afraid of bear for theyare harmless
