
2020-06-30发布者:郝悦皓大小:71.00 KB 下载:0

2013 年 3 月公共英语一级真题 第一部分 听 力 第一节:图片判断 略 第二节:对话理解 11. Who will speak at the meeting? [A] The man. [B] The woman. [C] The manager. 12. What is true about the man? [A]He drives fast. [B] He drives safely. [C] He drives carelessly. 13. What does the woman suggest the man do tomorrow? [A] Change the window. [B] Move into the room. [C] Come and see the room. 14. What is the man doing? [A] Shopping. [B] Driving a bus. [C] Asking the way. 15. How much is the medicine? [A] 40 yuan. [B] 50 yuan. [C] 55 yuan. 16. Who is the man? [A] He is the woman's husband. [B] He is the woman's old friend. [C] He is a stranger to the woman. 17. What does the woman suggest the man do? [A] Have a rest. [B] Take a bath. [C] See a doctor. 18. What does the woman think the man should do today? [A] Go to school. [B] Stay at home. [C] Take the exams. 19. Why does the man feel sorry? [A] Because he can't go to the party. [B] Because the woman can't go to the party. [C] Because neither of them can go to the party. 20. What does the woman mean? [A] She doesn't care where to eat. [B] She would like to eat at home. [C] All the restaurants are the same. 21. What time is it now? [A] 7:25. [B] 7:30. [C] 7:55. 22. What does the man ask the woman to do? [A] See a film. [B] Go to the dance. [C] Watch the football game. 23. What does the man mean? [A] He can't see Jane tomorrow. [B] He will wait until Jane comes. [C] He wants to see Jane very much. 24. Where are they talking? [A] In a bank. [B] In a hotel. [C] In a post office. 25.What do we know from the conversation? [A] Both the man and the woman were late. [B] Neither the man nor the woman was late. [C] The man was late while the woman was on time. 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 26. I will wait for you__________ you come back from school. [A] while [B] as soon as [C] until 27. You can use the credit card to __________ for a car. [A] buy [B] pay [C] get 28. Nobody in this office sings __________than Jerry. [A] well [B] better [C] best 29. --May I go home now? --No, you __________. You have to finish the paper at school. [A] can' t [B] needn' t [C] won' t 30. Look, Gary has __________ a postcard of his hotel to us. [A] borrowed [B] received [C] sent 31. I __________ going to the cinema when I' m free. [A] like [B] mind [C] care 32. Grandma would like to __________ her hair in a different way. [A] do [B] give [C] take 33. There isn't __________ time left, so we'd better hurry. [A] little [B] some [C] much 34. He __________ home for his office at 80' clock that morning. [A] returned [B] went [C] left 35. When she moved to Beijing, Jane was__________ a student. [A]still [B] yet [C]ever 36. The poor old woman couldn't buy ________much food. [A]she [B]hers [C]herself 37. He says that he __________ .his house cleaned once a month. [A] puts [B]has [C]keeps 38. The change of weather put an end _________their party in the garden. [A] of [B] in [C] to 39. I opened the door and let the children in __________ dinner was ready. [A] when [B]though [C]SO 40. John was always the first one__________ his hand when a question was asked. [A] raised [B]raising [C]to raise 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的 最佳选项,并在答题卡 1 上将该项涂黑。 Flying on a plane can cost a lot of money. Now is a good time to buy plane tickets at a low price. Many airlines(航空公司)are selling 41 tickets. A woman from a news station says that there are good 42 now. But she also says that you 43 be careful. You need to be sure 44 you really want these tickets before buying them. If changes need 45 it will cost a lot of money. You also need to 46 your tickets before the middle of December. The 47 will not lose any money 48 selling these cheap tickets. They believe that many people will buy 49.They will sell 50 tickets now because they cost less money. 41.[A]cheap [B]expensive [C]single 42.[A]prices [B]reports [C]reasons 43.[A] can [B]must [C]need 44.[A]what [B]that [C]which 45.[A]made [B]to make [C] to be made 46.[A] use [B]travel [C]spend 47.[A]planes [B]stations [C]airlines 48.[A]at [B]with [C] by 49.[A]them [B] their [C]themselves 50.[A]much [B]more [C]most 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节 词语配伍 51. People borrow or read books there. [A] park 52. People go to walk for pleasure there. [B] radio 53. People buy stamps or send letters there. [C] watch 54. People listen to the news or music over it. [D] library 55. People talk to their friends far away over it. [E] telephone [F] post office [G] supermarket 第二节 短文理解 1 It's a lovely house, facing south with a big garden. As you look at the house from outside, the front door is over on the left. It opens into a big room on the first floor. It is really a beautiful room, with an old fireplace(壁炉)in the east wall. This is where we have our meals. There are doors on either side of the fireplace, leading to( 通 往 )two smaller rooms. One is my study and the other is a bedroom-nice and bright. At the back of the big room, a flight of
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