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2020-07-14发布者:郝悦皓大小:86.50 KB 下载:0

2012 江西教师招聘考试小学英语真题及答案 第一部分客观题 1.Vocabulary and structure(Questions 1to 20) Directions : In this part , there are 20 incomplete sentences . For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose ONE answer that best completes the sentence . Then mark the corre-sponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1 . He is neither________European , nor________American . He is from________Australia. A.a;a;/ B.a;an;the C.a;an;/ D.an;an;/ 2.________the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is quite cIear to the people all over the Wodd. A.That B.Whether C.What D.If 3.________coal,the most important natural fuels ale the gas and oil. A.Except for B.Except C.Beside D.Apart from 4 . No fault is attached________the bus driVer for the terrible accident at the railway crossing. A.for B.with C.in D.to 5.This hotel________$60 for a single room with bath. A.claims B.demands C.prices D.charges 6 . Much________I haVe trayeled , I haVe never seen anyone to equal her in efficiency. A.although B.as C.while D.if 7.________all of us who are here tonight,I would like thank Mr.Brown for his talk. A.On behalf of B.On account of C.In honor of D.In terms of 8.These books were very deal to him and he bought them at________expense when he wasstudying abroad. A.considerate B.considered C.considerable D.considering 9.None of us expected the chairman to________at the party .We thought he was still in hospital. A.turn in B.turn up C.turn over D.turn down 10 . ________of the boys in the class who have passed the test is to receive certificates. A.Every B.Every one C.Any D.Anyone 11.You________pay too much attention to your reading skill , as it is SO important• A.shouldn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t 12.Don’t do that again,________? A.will you B.do you C.does you D.can you 1 3.The book has been well reviewed,but________actual sales it hasn’t been very successful. A.in need of B.in terms of C.in place of D.in contrast to 14.It is important that students________their term papers on time. A.hand in B.would hand in C.have to hand in D.handed in 15 . Michael is very good at each subject , and it is________that he will be admitted by the univer- sity in which he has been longing to study. A.no problem B.no doubt C.out of the question D.out of question 16.It is necessary that the plan________before Thursday. A.were fulfilledB.was fulfilled C.be fulfilled D.Would be fulfiHed 17 . You________all those calculations!We have a computer to do that sort of thing. A.needn’t have done B.must not have done C.shouldn’t have done D.can not have done 18.At last the girl received the letter she________for so long a time. A.has been expecting B.had been expecting C.was expecting D.had expected 19.She told her children that they must not________play with matches. A.by no means B.in no sense C.on any account D.to good account 20.You thought they could have completed the project,________. A.haven’t you B.won’t you C.doesn’t you D.didn’t you Ⅱ.Cloze(Questions 21 t0 30) Directions:There are lo blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A ,B ,C and D .Choose the ONE ansWer that best fits into the passage . Then mark the corre sponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. After ____20____ yearn of marriage , a husband may still not understand his wife.How is it that she is never at a ____21____ for words?How can she recall the names of a couple they met on____22____ years ago?Now we know what to tell him:It’s her brain. Although there are obviously cultural 23 for the differences in emotions and behavior,recent breakthrough research reveals that the ____24_____ 0f many puzzling differences between men and women may lie mi the head . Men’s and women’S brains____25____much in common , but they are definitely not the Same in size , structure or insight . Broadly speaking , a woman’s brain , like her body , is ten to fifteen per cent smaller than a man’s , ___26____ the regions dedicated to language may be more densely packed with brain ceils, Girls generally speak earlier and read faster . The reason may be ____27____females use.both sides of the brain when they read.In contrast—males rely only on the left side. At every age , women’s memories____28____men’s . They have a greater ability to associate names with faces than men do ,and they are_____29____ at recalling list . The events 。 people remember best are those that an emotion is attached to . Since women use more of their right brains ,which ____ 30____ emotions,they may do this automatically. While we don’t yet know what all these findings imply , one thing is clear : male and female brains do the same things,but they do them differently. 21. A.slip B.puzzle C.loss D.failure 22. A.festival B.event C.occasion D.holiday 23. A.senses B.reasons C.purposes D.meanings 24. A.bottom B.basis C.root D.stem 25. A.have B.share C.divide D.store 26. A.yet B.hence C.thus D.then 27. A.which B.why C.that D.whether 28. A.top B.match C.equal D.challenge 29. A.shier B.better C.keener D.easier 30. A.process B.promote C.perceive D.produce III.Reading comprehension(Questions 31 to 45) Directions:There are 3 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions orunfin- ished statements . For each of them there are four choices marked A , B , Cnd D . you should choose the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. A “Hi there.How’s it going?” “Oh,fine.Fine.How about this weather.huh?” “Well,I guess we can always use the rain.” What’s that? This story? Oh,just a little look at small talk.You know,those seemingly mean . ingless conversations you have dozens of times a day . Maybe you’re waiting for the elevaor . or in a line at the bank . It all seems pretty trivial.Idle chatter about traffic doesn’t do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten.But you should know that small talk actuallv has a big place in our lives. Pat Oliver,assistant professor on arts,says that,“Left unchecked smalt talk can be an inva . sion.It’s so powerful . it does something to you . ” “ Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary” Oliver says . “ If I don't make small connection with another person,I can’t work.” What causes it? As a rule , you’re either trying to force something into your life . or you’re using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out . You can be wanting to connect with another person , and small talk is your introduction to more meaningful conversation . The way people use
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