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2020-07-16发布者:郝悦皓大小:60.50 KB 下载:0

光庭信息技术股份有限公司招聘 JAVA 笔试真题 一、单选题:【每题 2 分】 1、如下代码: 23. Object [] myObjects = { 24. new integer(12), 25. new String(”foo”), 26. new integer(5), 27. new Boolean(true) 28. }; 29. Arrays.sort(myObjects); 30. for( int i=0; i 31. System.out.print(myObjects.toString()); 32. System.out.print(” “); 33. } A、 Compilation fails due to an error in line 29. B、 Compilation fails due to an error in line 23. C、 A ClassCastException occurs in line 29. D、 A ClassCastException occurs in line 31. 2、以下代码:: 1. class TestA { 2. public void start() { System.out.println(”TestA”); } 3. } 4. public class TestB extends TestA { 5. public void start() { System.out.println(”TestB”); } 6. public static void main(String[] args) { 7. ((TestA)new TestB()).start(); 8. } 9. } A、 An exception is thrown at runtime. B、 TestA C、 TestB D、 Compilation fails. 3、11. public class Test { 12. public static void main(String [] args) { 13. int x =5; 14. boolean b1 = true; 15. boolean b2 = false; 16. 17. if((x==4) && !b2) 18. System.out.print(”l “); 19. System.out.print(”2 “); 20. if ((b2 = true) && b1) 21. System.out.print(”3 “); 22. } 23. } A、 2 3 B、 1 2 C、 2 D、 3 4、finally 块中的代码将 A、 异常没有发生时才被执行 B、 如果 try 块后面没有 catch 块时,finally 块中的代码才会执行 C、 总是被执行 D、 异常发生时才被执行 5、以下代码:: 1. interface TestA { String toString(); } 2. public class Test { 3. public static void main(String[] args) { 4. System.out.println(new TestA() { 5. public String toString() { return “test”; } 6. }); 7. } 8. } 执行结果是: A、 Compilation fails because of an error in line 1. B、 An exception is thrown at runtime. C、 test D、 null 6、以下代码:: 11. public abstract class Shape { 12. int x; 13. int y; 14. public abstract void draw(); 15. public void setAnchor(int x, int y) { 16. this.x = x; 17. this.y = y; 18. } 19. } and a class Circle that extends and fully implements the Shape class. Which is correct? A、 Circle c = new Shape(); c.setAnchor(10,10); c.draw(); B、 Shape s = new Circle(); s->setAnchor(10,10); s->draw(); C、 Shape s = new Circle(); s.setAnchor(10,10); s.draw(); D、 Shape s = new Shape(); s.setAnchor(10,10); s.draw(); 7、以下代码:: 10. class One { 11. public One() { System.out.print(1); } 12. } 13. class Two extends One { 14. public Two() { System.out.print(2); } 15. } 16. class Three extends Two { 17. public Three() { System.out.print(3); } 18. } 19. public class Numbers{ 20. public static void main( String[] argv) { new Three(); } 21. } 执行结果是: A、 123 B、 3 C、 1 D、 321 8、下面哪个方法定义在接口中是有效的: A、 private void method1(); B、 final public void method4(); C、 public void method2(); D、 protected void method3(); 9、Given: 11. public enum Title { 12. MR(”Mr.”), MRS(”Mrs.”), MS(”Ms.”); 13. private final String title; 14. private Title(String t) { title = t; } 15. public String format(String last, String first) { 16. return title + “ “ + first + “ “ + last; 17. } 18. } 19. public static void main(String[] args) { 20. System.out.println(Title.MR.format(”Doe”, “John”)); 21. } 执行结果是: A、 Compilation fails because of an error in line 15. B、 An exception is thrown at runtime. C、 Compilation fails because of an error in line 12. D、 Mr. John Doe 10、以下代码:: 10. interface Foo { int bar(); } 11. public class Sprite { 12. public int fubar( Foo foo) { return foo.bar(); } 13. public void testFoo() { 14. fubar( 15. // insert code here 16. ); 17. } 18. } 下列哪行代码被插入到 14 行后,Sprite 类可以编译通过。 A、 new Foo { public int bar() { return 1; } }
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