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2020-02-03发布者:郝悦皓大小:58.29 KB 下载:0

lculating market returns is all in the measuring 市场收益的测算 The stock market goes up and down. Suppose its level alternates each year between 50 and 100, with no upward or downward trend. What is the capital return on the market? 股市有涨也有跌。假设每年的股价不是 50 就是 100,没有上涨或下跌趋 势。那么股市的资本回报率会有多大? Common sense suggests the answer is zero. But is that common sense right? In the good years you obtain a return of 100 per cent. In the bad, the yield is minus 50 per cent. The average return is therefore 25 per cent. There is logic to that. If you invested the same amount every year, and sold at the end of a year, you would indeed make – on average – a very attractive return of 25 per cent a year. 根据常识,答案应该是零。但这一常识正确吗?在景气年份,你可以获 得 100%的回报率;在不景气年份,回报率则是负 50%。因此平均收益率为 25%。这是符合逻辑的。如果你每年都拿同样多的钱买股票,并在年末卖掉, 那么平均算下来,实际上你每年会获得 25%的回报率,这很有吸引力。 英语之我们多多花一点心思就可以了,下面小编就给大家整理了金融英 语,大家快点看看吧 lculating market returns is all in the measuring 市场收益的测算 The stock market goes up and down. Suppose its level alternates each year between 50 and 100, with no upward or downward trend. What is the capital return on the market? 股市有涨也有跌。假设每年的股价不是 50 就是 100,没有上涨或下跌趋 势。那么股市的资本回报率会有多大? Common sense suggests the answer is zero. But is that common sense right? In the good years you obtain a return of 100 per cent. In the bad, the yield is minus 50 per cent. The average return is therefore 25 per cent. There is logic to that. If you invested the same amount every year, and sold at the end of a year, you would indeed make – on average – a very attractive return of 25 per cent a year. 根据常识,答案应该是零。但这一常识正确吗?在景气年份,你可以获 得 100%的回报率;在不景气年份,回报率则是负 50%。因此平均收益率为 25%。这是符合逻辑的。如果你每年都拿同样多的钱买股票,并在年末卖掉, 那么平均算下来,实际上你每年会获得 25%的回报率,这很有吸引力。 1.市况上扬: The market advances/gains/rises. 2.市况下挫: The market declines/falls/loses. 3.市况活跃: The market booms. The market is excited. The market becomes active. The market becomes brisk. 市况上扬.png 4.市况暴跌停滞: The market slumps. The market becomes dull. The market breaks down. 5.市况走势上扬,市况攀升走高: The market is on the up grade. The market is on an upward trend. The market tends upward. 6. 市场走势下跌,市况下降走低: The market is on the down grade. The market tends downward. The market is on a downward trend. The market takes downward. 7.市况狂跌: The market declines/drops/sags. 8.市况暴涨: The market jumps/advances/soars.


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