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2015 年 12 月雅思真题回忆及解析 不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。对于雅思考试而言,每天进步一点点, 基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。无忧考网搜集整理了 2015 年 12 月雅思 真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2015 年 12 月举行了 4 场考试,时间分别是 12 月 3 日、12 月 5 日、12 月 12 日、12 月 19 日。以下内容仅供参考。 12 月 3 日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 1 考题总结 考题总结: Hometown 1.Where are you from? 2.Do you like your hometown? 3.Is your hometown suitable for children to live in? 4.Where do you live in your hometown, a house or a flat? 5.Where would you bring a tourist to in your hometown? 6.Can you tell me something about a tourism site in your hometown? 7.Would you like to live there in the future? Your studies 1. Do you work or are you a student? 2. What's your major? Have you ever communicated about your major with your friends? 3. Will you study with others in the future? Why? 4. What is your plan for your future study? 5. When you study, do you feel happy? 6. What’s your favorite subject? What do like most about it? 7. Do you enjoy your school life? What are the benefits of being a student? 8.What do you usually do after class? Flat 1.Do you live in a house or an apartment/flat/dorm? 2.What room do you like best in your flat? 3.Describe your bedroom. 4.Do you want to move to another place in the future? Fruit & Veggies 1.What is your favorite vegetable and fruit? 2.How often do you eat fruits? 3.Are there any special fruits in your hometown? Films 1.Do you like to watch movies? 2.How often do you go to a cinema to watch a film? 3.Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film? History 1.Do you like history? 2.Do you think history is important? 3.Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history? Time management 1.When was the last time you helped others? 2.Do you like to help strangers? 3.Have you ever refused to help others? Museums 1.Are there many museums in your hometown? 2.Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown? 3.Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors? TV 1.Do you like watching TV/ how much TV do you watch? 2.What’s your favorite TV program? 3. Did you watch much TV when you were a child? Weekends 1.What do you usually do on weekends? 2.What do other people in your hometown do during the weekend? 3.What are you going to do next weekend? Being alone 1.Do you like to be alone? 2.What do you like to do when you are alone? 3.When was the last time you were alone? Countryside 1.Would you live in the countryside in the future? 2.What are the benefits of living in the city? 3.What do people living in the countryside like to do? Text messages/phone calls 1.Do you text someone if he doesn’t answer your phone? 2.Is there any chance when texting someone is better than calling? 3.How often do you make phone calls? Part 2&3 考题总结 考题总结: P2 1.A long walk you had. 2.A skill you want to learn. 3.A house or an apartment you want to live in. 4.An important conversation you had. 5.A person who can do well in work. 6.A time you and your friend had a disagreement. 7.A gift for others that took you a long time to choose. 8.An activity you do to keep fit. 9.A law about environment you would like to see in the future. 10.An electronic device that you like to buy. P3 1.What kinds of jobs are popular in China? 2.Besides creativity, what other qualities should a leader have? 3.Do people in your country prefer long holidays or short ones? 4.What kinds of historical places would you suggest others to visit? 5.Why do children have disagreements with others? 6.Do people in your country prefer to sleep late? 7.With the development of high tech, do you think teachers are less important? 8.What kinds of electronic devices do people in China like? 9.What’s the difference between men’s and women’s talk? 10. Do people in your country prefer to live in cities or in rural environments? 雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 本次精选了一些话题卡中的考题,旨在让考生了解考试过 程中难度的循序渐进。 4.比如 P3 中问道,Why do children have disagreements with others? 本体中注意 disagreements come from different ideas/opinions/viewpoints, but for children, when we talk about disagreement, it’s not just a matter of ideas, but the interest. Their inclination drives them to make different choices without much thinking of others’, in other words, they are too young to compromise or make wise decisions from all the aspects. 考试中,考官会随机打断或者加快语速,建议目标分数在 6.5 以上的同学不要在 P1 过于 纠结,简明扼要的作答即可,而目标分数在 6 左右的同学,需要在 p1 表达出流畅和完整 性。 12 月 3 日雅思阅读真题回忆: Reading Passage 1 Title: Deep-sea fish(旧题)旧题) Question types: 填空 7+判断 6 参考答案 Question 1-6 判断题 答案: 1.T he expected to see darkness 在 15 米,正确 2.F 说他第一次怀疑 F 这种物质起作用是在德国,错误 3.NG all the fish 有 red marking 的都是在 red sea 发现的 4.F M first 有 fluorescence 是在德国,错误 5.T 6.T Question 7- 13 填空 7communication 8 eyes 9 location 鱼依靠这个 F 这个物质告诉同类他们的 10 enemies 11 相近的 species 出现了多样性 12 13 seahorse (答案仅供参考) 相关英文原文阅读 文章大意: 一个德国科学家在埃及红海潜水想看看 15m 以下到底有没有红光(旧题)理论上是没有任何光 线的)。结果在海地 20m 的地方看见了红色的鱼。即使取下红色滤光片用肉眼也可以看 见。在这个深度不可能有光线,所以猜想是荧光,但是没有设备验证,只能尽可能多地拍 照片。回德国之后证实了确实是荧光,50 种鱼都有这种荧光,是皮下的细胞里的晶体里 发出的,不是晶体本身,可能是晶体里的荧光蛋白,这个蛋白可能是细菌制造的。鱼用这 个红光来识别种群,标识位置,吓退敌人,掩盖自己,捕捉猎物。 参考文章(旧题)仅供参考,非原文): The fish of the deep-sea are among the strangest and most elusive creatures on Earth. In this deep unknown lie many unusual creatures that have yet to be studied. Since many of these fish live in regions where there is no natural rely solely on their eyesight for locating prey and mates and avoiding predators; deep-sea fish have evolved appropriately to the extreme subphotic region in which they live. Many of these organisms are blind and rely on their other senses, such as sensitivities to changes in local pressure and smell, to catch their food and avoid being caught. Those that aren’t blind have large and sensitive eyes that can use bioluminescent light. These eyes can be as much as 100 times more sensitive to light than human eyes. Also, to avoid predation, many species are dark to blend in with their environment. Many deep-sea fish are bioluminescent, with extremely large eyes adapted to the dark. Bioluminescent organisms are capable of producing light biologically through the agitation of molecules ofluciferin, which then produce photons of light. This process must be done in the presence of oxygen. These organisms are common in the mesopelagic region and below (200m and below). More than 50% of deep-sea fish as well as some species of shrimp and squid are capable of bioluminescence. About 80% of these organisms have phosphors – light producing glandular cells that contain luminous bacteria bordered by dark colorings. Some of these phosphors contain lenses, much like those in the eyes of humans, which can intensify or lessen the emanation of light. The ability to produce light only requires 1% of the organism’s energy and has many purposes: It is used to search for food and attract prey, like the anglerfish; claim territory through patrol; communicate and find a mate; and distract or temporarily blind predators to escape. Also, in the mesopelagic where some light still penetrates, some organisms camouflage themselves from predators below them by illuminating their bellies to match the color and intensity of light from above so that no shadow is cast. This tactics known as counter illumination. The life cycle of deep-sea fish can be exclusively deep water although some species are born in shallower water and sink upon maturation. Regardless of the depth where eggs and larvae reside, they are typically pelagic. This planktonic – drifting – lifestyle requires neutral buoyancy. In order to maintain this, the eggs and larvae often contain oil droplets in their plasma. When these organisms are in their fully matured state they need other adaptations to maintain their positions in the water column. In general, water’s density causes up thrust – the aspect of buoyancy that makes organisms float. To counteract this, the density of an organism must be greater than that of the surrounding water. Most animal tissues are denser than water, so they must find equilibrium to make them float. Many organisms develop swim bladders (gas cavities) to stay afloat, but because of the high pressure of their environment, deep-sea fishes usually do not have this organ. Instead they exhibit structures similar to hydrofoils in order to provide hydrodynamic lift. It has also been found that the deeper fish lives, the more jelly-like its flesh and the more minimal its bone structure. They reduce their tissue density through high fat content, reduction of skeletal weight – accomplished through reductions of size, thickness, and mineral content – and water accumulation makes them slower and less agile than surface fish. 题型难度分析 判断题是雅思阅读考试当中的主打题型,也是雅思阅读考试当中非常具 有特色的题型之一。判断题要求考生正确理解文中描述的某些重点信息,作者的观点,论 断与题目信息的对应关系。这篇文章考的是对文章的部分信息做出判断。解题的关键在于 利用关键词定位, 并且注意该题型具有顺序性特点,所以考生可以按照文章顺序逐一定 位并寻找答案。 这篇文章考的另一种题型摘要填空题是填空题当中最难得一种。近年来摘要题从对整片文 章的考察慢慢变为对文章的部分段落的考察。摘要题需要填写原文原词,答案都可以在文 章中相应的段落找到,因此定位正确是该题的最关键的步骤。注意阅读说明中的字数要求 , 利用所画的关键词定位,并且注意同义词替换。 剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑 7Test 1 P1 剑 6 Test2 P3(旧题)练习判断题) Reading Passage 2 Title: American Cinema(旧题)旧题) Question types: LOH 6 + classify 4+单选 3 参考答案 答案: 15. v 19. vii 21. C 文章了说在拍了一些 short film 之后 22. D 其他公司 imitate Griffith 的 innovation (旧题)答案可能有误,仅供参考) 相关英文原文阅读 参考文章(旧题)仅供参考,非原文): The history of film is an account of the historical development of the medium known variously as cinema, motion pictures, film, or the movies. The history of film spans over 100 years, from the latter part of the 19th century to the present day. Motion pictures developed gradually from a carnival novelty to one of the most important tools of communication and entertainment, and mass median the 20th century and into the 21st century. Most films before 1930 were silent. Motion picture films have substantially affected arts, technology, and politics. The cinema was invented during the 1890's, during what is now called the industrial revolution. It was considered a cheaper, simpler way to provide entertainment to the masses. Movies would become the most popular visual art form of the late Victorian age. It was simpler because of the fact that before the cinema people would have to travel long
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