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2020-07-17发布者:郝悦皓大小:213.99 KB 下载:0

2018 年 12 月雅思真题回忆及解析 信念和斗志宜聚,懈怠和悲观宜散,我们的斗志因信念而燃起,不懈怠、不悲观,落实每一个知 识点。无忧考网搜集整理了 2018 年 12 月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2018 年 12 月举行了 4 场考试,时间分别为 12 月 1 日、12 月 8 日、12 月 13 日、12 月 15 日。以下内 容仅供参考。 12 月 1 日雅思口语真题回忆: 一、考试概述:以下为 9-12 月高频题,请考生扎实准备。 Part 1:考频 15 1 Work or studies 2 Accommodation 3 Cities 4 Hometown 5 Holiday 6 Shoes 7 Weather 8 Foreign food 9 Cooking 10 Music 11 Plants 12 Rainy days 13 Paintings 14 Morning routines 15 Sports Part 2:考频 15 1 美丽的城市 2 想学的外语 3 最近读的书 4 有趣的动物 5 有趣的地方 6 好法律 7 开心经历 8 有趣的工作 9 青少年 10 上网搜信息 11 最喜欢的歌 12 常用网站 13 特定场合穿的衣服 14 特别能说的人 15 建筑 二、具体题目分析 Describe a friend you had as a child/ teenager. When and how you first met this friend What you liked to do together What you had in common and explain why this friendship was important to you Speaking of a childhood friend, I would like to talk about Paul. He was a really good friend of mine. I met Paul when I was 6 or 7 years old ,he was tall and slim. I first met him in school because he was my desk mate, and we found out we lived in the same area. Since then we had spent almost 6 years together until he was transferred to another school. We did lots of things together when we were neighbours, classmates and good friends. We used to go to school and study together, we also played at our home, read and sometimes went to picnic together. We had many common interests, for example, both of us liked playing video games, reading stories, running in the field, watching cartoons, animated movies. In addition, I think we had similar taste in food, we both liked sweets. At that time, we went to candy shop with our parents almost every weekend. I believe that this friendship was particularly important for me at that moment because it is good to have companionship and fun when you are growing up. More importantly, these happy memories are related to my childhood, which had become an unrepeatable part of my life. 12 月 1 日雅思写作真题回忆: TASK 1 类型:柱状图 题目: The charts below show the percentage of males and females who were overweight in Australia between 1980 and 2010. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. TASK 2 类型:教育类 题目: Some people think that money spent on developing technology on space exploration is not justified, they think there are more beneficial ways to cost. To what extent do you agree or disagree ? 12 月 1 日雅思听力真题回忆: Section 1 场景:游玩住宿项目预定 题型:填空 参考答案: 1.three adults and two children 2.accommodation 3.2 weeks 4.menu 5.massage 6.hotel 7.15 October 8.caravan 9.golf 10.fishing (tent) Section 2 场景:某城镇运动 题型:地图+匹配 参考答案:(待补充) Section 3 场景:关于达芬奇一副古画鉴定的研究 题型:单选+匹配 参考答案: 21-24)Multiple Choice 21.why did John think Jackson Pollock’s painting is fake? A are too easy to make fake copy B his work is complex C look simple and childish 22.why initially John think 5 pounds 的画作 is fake? A it is too cheap B background featured wrong colored 颜色搭配不好 C back of documentation 23.why international foundation reject 5 pounds 的 画 作 ? A the material applied B what’s on the back C featured in coloring mismatched 24.John and Emily both agree on what? A new method will replace the traditional method to identify painting B scientists and artists can work together to evaluate the painting 2530)Matching-Flow Chat Section 4 场景:连锁店改革
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