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2020-02-06发布者:郝悦皓大小:35.50 KB 下载:0

经典动物英语故事:三月呻吟 灯火在寒风中飘忽不定。 The little lamp fluttered in the cold wind. 有些中国人认为冬天吃狗肉能暖身子,所以在这个大冷天,狗肉店里座 无虚席。店里人声喧嚣,空气里弥漫着狗肉味。 Some Chinese believe that dog meat warms you up in cold weather, so on this chilly day, there were no empty seats in the dog meat restaurant. The air was full of the smell of dog meat and the sounds of the raucous crowds. 在后店,曹生源正在把另一只死狗放到锅里去煮。他屠狗为生多年,最 后还开起了自己的狗肉店。生意红火,还雇了个帮工。 In the back of the restaurant, to the right, Cao Shengyuan was putting another dead dog into the kettle to boil. He had been a dog butcher for years, and finally opened his own restaurant. Business was good enough to hire a helper. 帮工说:“曹大哥,这只狗的肉可真够肥的啊?” His helper was just saying to him, "Brother Cao, this one is really meaty?" 曹生源笑道:“真是!这肥狗能让我们赚不少钱呢!” Cao Shengyuan chuckled. "You said it! This fat dog is going to make a lot of money for us!" 煮狗的水热起来之后,他们继续磨刀。 They continued getting their knives ready as the water to boil the dog heated up. 忽然,那只狗从锅里跳了出来,象是径直朝曹生源飞去。它扑向曹生源 , 咬住了他的脖子。曹生源大声尖叫救命! Suddenly, the dog leapt out of the kettle. It seemed to fly through the air, straight at Cao. It pounced at him and bit him in the neck. Cao shrieked for help! 店里所有的顾客都过来看看究竟发生了什么事情。他们看到那只狗咬住 曹生源的脖子,血从伤口里喷涌而出!这太可怕了! All the customers in the restaurant came to see what the matter was. They saw the dog biting Cao's neck. His blood was pumping out of the wound. What a terrible sight! 当他把狗从脖子上拉开后,曹生源四处求医,但是不管用什么药,伤口 还是不断地化脓、恶化。伤口疼痛异常,曹生源日夜哀号。 After he got the dog off his neck, Cao Shengyuan went to many doctors to treat his wound, but no matter what kind of medicine they put on it, it kept rotting and getting worse. It hurt so much that Cao moaned and groaned day and night. 痛苦了三个月后,曹生源终于死了。那个地方所有爱吃狗肉的人都不再 吃肉了,因为他们明白了任何肉食都源自无边的苦痛。 After three months of pain, Cao finally died. All the people in the area who liked dog meat gave it up, because they realized that the meat of any animal is produced through enormous suffering. 经典动物英语故事:放生池 浙江天台山的山峰是青黛色的,犹如竖起的画屏。远客纷沓而至,观其 美景。 The peaks of Tiantai Mountain in Zhejiang are green and black. They stand like an ornamental screen. People come from far away to enjoy the scenery here. 几千年来,这些秀丽的山峰上都建有许多的寺庙。有一个大庙的主持名 叫智顗,约生活在公元 539-597 年间。因为他的智慧,隋炀帝赐封他为智者 大师,这个名字至今仍为人们所知。 For thousands of years, there have been many temples in these beautiful mountains. The head of a big temple there was called Zhiyi. He lived from about 539 to 597 AD. Because he was so wise, the Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty gave him the title The Wise Master, and this is how he is known even today. 当时,智者大师觉得时下之人过于残忍,尤其是满足口腹之欲时。他们 可以杀掉任何活物,然后吃掉。 At the time, The Wise Master felt that people were too cruel, especially when they wanted something to eat. They would kill almost anything that moved and eat it. 他觉得必须做点什么。但怎么做呢?僧侣们又没有钱。所以智者大师开 始化缘,几年后,他终于攒了足够的钱。他拿这笔钱买了一块地,并雇了一 些人来帮他建一个池子。 He decided something had to be done. But how? Monks don't have any money. So The Wise Master became a beggar for several years until he finally got enough money to get some land and hire some workers to build him a pond. 人们看到后,纷纷嘲笑智者大师其实是个傻瓜! When people saw that, they laughed and said The Wise Master is pretty dumb! 大师是智者,所以他一点也不在乎别人的嘲笑,继续建造他的池塘。 Because he was so wise, The Wise Master didn't care how much they laughed at him. He kept up work on his pond. 工人们休息时,大师就向他们宣讲佛教。他说:“佛经上说‘一切众生皆 有佛性。’你也许会对一条鱼或者一只螃蟹不以为然,但是它们也能成佛。” When the workers had spare time, he told them about Buddhism. He said, "The sutras (the holy books of Buddhism) say, 'All living creatures have Buddha nature.' You may not think much of a fish or a crab, but they too can become Buddhas. “野生动物也同样有佛性。如果一个人被野兽所杀,我们觉得很悲惨,我 们会为那个人觉得难过。你们有没有想过,当你们杀了一条鱼,其他的鱼也 认为这很悲惨,同样也会为这条鱼感到难过吗?” "Wild animals all have Buddha natures, too. If somebody gets killed by a wild animal, we think it's tragic. We feel sorry for that person. Hasn't it ever occurred to you that when you kill a fish, the other fish think it's tragic, and feel sorry for the dead fish?" 智者大师解释说,他之所以要挖一个池塘,就是为了让人们有地方将鱼 蟹放生,而鱼蟹也可以安居乐命。他把他的池塘起名为放生池。 The Wise Master explained that he was making a pond so anybody who had a fish or crab could have a place to release it and let it live out its life in peace. He called his pond the Free Life Pond. 工人们都被感动了,那些曾经嘲笑智者大师的人也为自己的自私感到羞 愧。他们全都皈依了佛教,并且再也不杀生吃肉了。 The workmen were moved, and the people who had laughed at him felt sorry for being so mean. They became Buddhists, and stopped killing animals to eat their meat. 其他的寺庙也沿袭了智者大师的做法。如果你有机会参观中国的佛寺, 你很可能会看到放生池,里面生活着无忧无虑的鱼、蟹和乌龟等,这些动物 也不用担心被人吃掉。 Other temples copied his idea. If you have a chance to visit a Chinese Buddhist temple, you can probably see their Free Life Pond, full of happy fish and crabs and turtles that are safe from the worry of being cooked and eaten.


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