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商务英语:Business Representation

2020-02-09发布者:郝悦皓大小:57.00 KB 下载:0

商务英语:Business Representation Basic Expressions 1. I would like to discuss with you the problem of agency for your electric fans. 我想同贵方商谈你们电风扇的代理问题。 2. I wonder whether your firm is represented in our country. 我不知道贵公司在我国是否有代理。 3. We should be glad if you would consider our application to act as agents for the sales ofyour products in our country. 如果贵方能考虑我们的申请使我们成为贵公司产品在我国市场的销 售代 理的话,我们会很高兴的。 4. We are pleased to offer you a sole agency for the sale of our products in your country. 我们很乐意指定你们成为我方产品在贵国的独家代理。 5. We are pleased that you are prepared to appoint us as your sole agent for your products. 对贵方有意指定我们成为贵方产品的独家代理,我们感到很高兴。 6. We’re favorably impressed by your proposal for a sole distributor. 对贵方建议由我方担任独家经销商一事,我们颇感兴趣。 7. Thank you for offering us the agency for your products and appreciate the confidence youhave placed in us. 谢谢贵方提出让我们代理你们的产品,我们很感激你们对我们所表示的 信心。 8. If you give us the agency, we should spare no efforts to further your interests. 如果贵方给予我们代理权,我们将不遗余力为贵方争取利益。 9. As your agents, we’ll make greater efforts to push the sale of your products. 作为你们的代理,我们将会更加努力地推销你方产品。 10. We appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale of our electric fans. 我们感激贵方在推销我方电扇产品方面所做的努力。 11. I’m afraid we can’t agree to appoint you as our sole agent because the annual turnover youpromised is too low. 恐怕我们不能同意指定你方作为我们的独家代理,因为你方所承诺 的年 销售量太少了。 12. We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent. 如果你方指定我们作为独家代理,我们将增加我们的销售量。 13. We’d like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your electric fans for a period ofthree years. 我们想同你方签订一项为期三年专营电扇的独家代理协议。 14. As our sole distributor, you are not expected to handle the sale of similar products of otherorigins. 你方作为我们的独家经营商是不允许经营销售其他类似产品的。 15. I think you know already that I want to discuss the representation for your alarm clocks. 想必你已知道,我想和你方商谈闹钟的代理事宜。 16. We usually get a 10% commission of the amount on every deal. 通常我们取得的佣金是每笔成交额的 10%。 17. According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill? 据你估计,你能完成最大年销售量是多少? 商务英语:代理 A: I’m pleased to meet you again, Mrs. King. B: Pleased to see you, too, Mr. Brown. A: You’ve had a good trip, I hope. B: Yes, a very pleasant journey, thank you. A: It’s been a full two years since we last saw each other. B: So it is, I’ve come again to renew our sole agency agreement for another 2 years. A: We shall be pleased to talk the matter over with you. You’ve done very well in fulfilling theagreement. B: I’m glad you’re satisfied with our work. I can assure you we’ve spared no effort and spentquite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your products. -- 很高兴又见到你,金夫人。 -- 我也很高兴见到你,布朗先生。 -- 希望你旅途愉快。 -- 是的,旅途很愉快,谢谢你。 -- 我们整整两年没有见面了。 -- 是啊,这次我来是想把我们之间的独家代理协议延长两年。 -- 我们很高兴和你们详细讨论这件事情。你们的协议完成得很漂亮。 -- 你们对我们的工作表示满意,我很高兴。可以说在推销你们的产品 方 面,我们费了不少力气,还花了大量资金。 A: Yes, we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sales of our pianos. We can see you areexperienced in this particular line. B: Thank you. A: But I think the annual sale of 300 pianos for a sole distributorship in Canada is ratherconservative. After all, you sold around 400 pieces there last year. You can sell more this yearaccording to the marketing conditions at your end. B: That is the result of our hard work. Well, what annual quantity would you suggest for thenew agreement then? A: 500 pieces. B: No, no. That’s too big a number to be acceptable. Let’s put it at 450 pieces. And we’llstrive to sell more, of course. We wish to add another clause. For every 50 pieces sold in excess of the quota, we’ll get 1% more incommission for our efforts. -- 是的,我们很感激你方在推销钢琴上所做的努力,看得出来你们对 经 营这一行很有经验。 -- 谢谢。 -- 不过我认为对加拿大的独家经销来说,年销售量 300 架钢琴未免太 过 保守了。实际上,去年你都卖了 400 架左右。根据你们地区的市 场情况,今 年应该可以销售更多。 -- 那是我们努力工作的结果。那你认为新协议的年销量应是多少呢? -- 500 架。 -- 不行,不行。这个数字太大了,我不能接受。定为 450 架吧。当然 我 们会尽力多销。我们想增加一个条款,超过定额之后每多销 50 架,我们的 佣金就增加百分之一。 A: All right, let’s fix it at 450 pieces then. And forevery additional 50 pianos sold, we’ll give you 1% higher commission. B: I suppose all the other terms remain unchanged. A: We would like to make a specific mention of onemore point. As our sole distributor, you will neither handle the same or similar products ofother origins nor re-export our goods to any oth§er area outside your own. B: No, certainly not. That’s a reasonable restriction. A: Another thing is that every six months we would like to receive from you a detailed reporton current market conditions and the users? comments on our products. B: Yes, we’ve already prepared one. I’ve brought it with me. I’ll put it forward when we talkwith the manufacturers tomorrow. A: Good, that’s all then. B: Good. -- 那好吧,那我们就定为 450 架吧。另外每多售 50 架,我们就再多给 你百分之一的佣金。 -- 我想其他条款都不变吧。 -- 另外一点,我想特别提一提。作为我们的独家经销商,你们既不能 经 营其他国家的同类或类似的产品,也不能把我们的产品再出口到 加拿大以外 的地区去。 -- 那当然不行,这是合理的限制。 -- 另外一点是我们希望每隔六个月收到你们的一份详细的当前市场情 况 的报告和用户对我们的反馈。 -- 我们已经都准备了一份。我这次把它带来了。明天我们和生产商洽 谈 时,我就将它提交上去。 -- 好,那就这些了。 -- 好。


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