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2020-02-09发布者:郝悦皓大小:31.29 KB 下载:0

一、标点符号一律使用半角。 二、逗号、句号、分号、冒号、感叹号、问号和它们后面的字符之间必 须留一个半角空格。 错误:Hi,I'm an entrepreneur.Can you make this app for me for free? Because,you know,I have this brilliant idea but I don't know how to code. 正 确 : Hi, I'm an entrepreneur. Can you make this app for me for free? Because, you know, I have this brilliant idea but I don't know how to code. 三、逗号、句号、分号、冒号、感叹号、问号和它们前面的字符之间不 可留任何空格。 错 误 : I think our current version is too skeuomorphic ,why don't we ,uh ,make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish? 正确:I think our current version is too skeuomorphic, why don't we, uh, make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish? 四、将长串数字分开写,降低辨识的难度。 错误:1234567890 正确:123 456 7890 或 123-456-7890 五、书名、杂志名、电影名、音乐专辑名、英文中出现的外文(包括拼音, 人名除外)用斜体。 错误:In 2008, I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBS avant la lettre. 正确:In 2008, I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBS avant la lettre. 六、对于有序列表,应采用“阿拉伯数字 + 英文句点 + 半角空格”的方式。 错误: Three words I hate: 1.Innovation. 2, Leverage. 3 Synergy. 正确: Three words I hate: 1. Innovation. 2. Leverage. 3. Synergy. 七、括号弧线外要留空格,弧线内不要。 错误:Byte Press(née Tangcha ) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period. 正确:Byte Press (née Tangcha) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period. 八、用弯引号,不要用直(的弯)引号。 错误:"Bazinga!" 'You are pwned!'Bazinga!"Bazinga!" 'You are pwned!' 'You are pwned!' 正确:“Bazinga!” ‘You are pwned!’You are pwned!’ 九、正确使用各种短横:em dash (—) 是破折号,en dash (–) 用来连接 年份、时间,是“到”的意思,hyphen (-) 是连字符。 错误:Glenn Gould (1932-1982) is probably my one and only hero the person who taught me to think differently well before Steve Jobs. 正确:Glenn Gould (1932–1982) is probably my one and only hero — the person who taught me to think differently well before Steve Jobs. 注意: 1. 若写作时用两个 hyphen (--) 代替破折号,Word 等文书处理软件会自 动将其转为 em dash。鉴于 em dash 输入不便(Mac 上是 shift + option + -),这也是英文写作通用的替代法。 2. 破折号(em dash)两端可各留一半角空格,亦可不留。此乃英美习惯 之不同,无对错之分。惟请在同一份简历中保持统一。


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