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2020-02-09发布者:郝悦皓大小:71.33 KB 下载:0

入住 (F: Frontdesk G: Guest) F: Welcome to the Beachside Inn. How may I help you? 欢迎来到海边酒店。能为您做点什么吗? G: I’d like a room, please. 我要住店。 F: Would you prefer a single or a double? 你是要单人间还是双人间呢? G: A double, please. How much is that? 双人间,价格是多少? F: It’s $145.00 a night. How many nights will you be staying? 145 美元每晚,你要住几晚呢? G: Just tonight. 就今晚。 F: OK. One night comes to $145.00 plus tax. May I have your name please? 一晚含税总共 145 美元。您的名字是? G: It’s Davies. Robertson Davies. 我是达维斯。 F: And how do you spell that, sir? 怎么拼写呢? G: It’s D-A-V-I-E-S. 是 D-A-V-I-E-S。 F: So that’s D-A-V-I-E-S. How would you like to pay for the room? 好的,你想要如何付款? G: Do you take VISA? 能用 VISA 卡吗? F: Yes, we do. We take VISA,Mastercard, and American Express. 可以,我们接受 VISA 卡,万事达卡,美国运通。 G: Great. I’ll pay with VISA then.What time is checkout? 我用 VISA 付款,退房时间是? F: Checkout is at 10 o’clock. Your room number is 505. Is there anything else you would like to know? 10 点退房。您的房间号是 505。您还有其他疑问吗? G: And is there a restaurant? 有餐厅吗? F: There are restaurants on the 3rd floor and there’s a café next to the lobby. 3 楼有餐厅,有一个咖啡厅在大厅旁边。 G: Is there a pool here? 有游泳池吗? F: Yes, there is. It’s on the 2nd floor. But you have to bring the towel from your room. 有的,在 2 楼。但是需要自己带毛巾。 G: Great. What time does the restaurant close? 餐厅什么时候关门呢? F: They both close at 10:00 P.M. 餐厅和游泳池都是 10 点。 G: 10 P.M.? Thanks. Oh! And can I get a wake-up call for 6:30 A.M. 好的,6:30 能够叫醒我吗? F: Sure. No problem. Wake-up call for 6:30 A.M. Enjoy your stay. 没问题,叫醒服务 6:30,希望您住的愉快! 了解更多前台英语,点击以下图片进入: 点餐 (W: Waiter G: Guest) W: Good evening,madam and sir.Do you have a reservation? 晚上好,先生女士,请问你有预订吗? G: Yes,I’m Mr.Johnson. 我是 Johnson. W: This way, please, Mr.Johnson. Here is your table. Is this all right? 这边请,Johnson.先生。这是你的座位,可以吗? G: Thank you.It’s nice,indeed. 谢谢,非常好。 W: My pleasure.Here’s the menu.(After a while)Are you ready to order now,madam and sir? 不客气,这是菜单。(一会儿后)你们准备点菜了吗,先生女士? G: No,we are still looking at the menu.You see,this is our first trip to China.Will you recommend us some Chinese dishes? 还没,我们还在看菜单呢。你看,这是我们第一次来中国,你可以给我 们推荐一些中国菜吗? W: How much would you spend? 你大概消费多少钱呢? G: I don’t care about money.I’d like to have some good dishes of Chinese characteristics. 钱不是问题,我想要一些好的有中国特色的菜。 W: Yes,sir.Let me introduce you to some specials. 好的,先生。让我向您介绍一些特色菜。 了解更多餐厅英文,点击以下图片进入: 客房服务 (R:Room Attendant G:Guest) R: This is housekeeping, can I help you? 这是客房服务中心,有什么可以帮到您吗? G: I forgot my adapter. Can I borrow one? 我忘了带转换插头,能借一个吗? R: Yes, we can lend you a travel adapter. There is a deposit of 5 Euro. 没问题,我们可以借一个给您,不过您要付五欧元的押金。 G: That’s fine. Also, may I have extra towels? 可以。我可以多要几条毛巾吗? R: Of course.How many would you need? 当然可以,要几条呢? G: Two bath towels please. Thank you. 两条浴巾。谢谢。 洗衣房 (A:Room Attendant B:Guest) A: Excuse me.Do you have any laundry? The laundry man is here to collect it. 打扰一下,您有需要洗的衣物吗?洗衣房服务员员来收衣物了。 G: No,not now,thank you. 现在还不需要,谢谢你. A: If you have any,please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.The laundry man comes over to collect it every morning. 如果您有需要洗的衣物,请把它们放在浴室后面的洗衣袋了。洗衣房的 工作人员每天早上会来取走。 G: Thank you. 谢谢你。 A: Please tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes ironed,washed,dry-cleaned or mended and also what time you want to get them back. 请您告诉我们,或者在洗衣单上标明是否您的衣物需要熨烫、水洗、干 洗或者缝补并且说明您什么时候要取回这些衣物。 G: I see.What if there is any laundry damage?I wonder if your hotel has a policy on dealing with it. 好的,我明白了。如果衣物损坏怎么办呢?我想知道您们酒店会怎么处 理这个问题。 A: In such a case,the hotel should certainly pay for it.The indemnity shall not exceed ten times the laundry. 如果是这样,酒店让人会赔偿。赔偿不会超过所洗衣物的十倍。 G: That sounds quite reasonable.I hope there's no damage at all. 那听起来非常合理。我希望衣物不会出现损坏。 A: Don't worry , Ma'am.The Laundry Department has wide experience in their work. 不要担心,女士。我们洗衣房工作经验很丰富的。 G: All right.Thank you for your information. 那好吧,谢谢你的提醒。 A: Not at all. 不用谢。 了解更多客房英文,点击以下图片进入: 退房 (F: Frontdesk G: Guest) F: Good afternoon. How may I help you? 下午好,请问有什么可以帮到您? G: Can you check me out please? 可以帮我退房吗? F: Sure. What’s your room number and name please? 好的,请问您怎么称呼,您的房间号是多少? G: My room number is 305 and name is Smith. 我的房间号是 305,我叫史密斯 F: Wait a moment please. Here is your bill. Please check it to see if the account is correct. 请您稍等。这是您的账单,请看看是否正确。 G: The total cost is 330. What’s extra 20 dollars for? 一共消费了 330,这多出来的 20 是怎么回事? F: That’s for the international phone call you made in the room. 这是您在房间内拨打国际长途的费用。 G: Can I pay with a credit card? 我可以用信用卡支付吗? F: Of course, you can. May I have your passport, please? 当然,请您给我下您的护照。 G: Here you are. 给你。 F: Here is your receipt. Thank you. Have a nice day. 这是您的收据,谢谢您,祝您有愉快的一天 G: Thank you, you too, bye. 谢谢,你也是,再见。
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