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2007 年江苏成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 ENGLISH QUALIFICATION TEST FOR A BACHELOR’S DEGREE Nov. 2007 Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes, 15%) Section A (10%) Directions: In this section you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A. En the cafeteria. B. In the library. C. In the dormitory. D. In the classroom building. 2.A.5:00. B.5:15. C. 5:30. D. 5:45. 3. A. Skating. B. Swimming. C. Boating and swimming D. Boating and skating. 4. A. An engineer. B. A driver. C. A librarian. D. A typist. 5. A. His article has been changed B. He is very glad to hear the woman. C. He is proud of his article. D. He can’t believe the woman. 6. A. A toy bear is not lovely at all. B. A toy bear is just what she needs. C. She should have bought more toy bears. D. She shouldn’t buy the toy bear. 7. A. A sweater. B. A blouse. C. A coat. D. A skirt. 8. A. It’s easy to make friends. B. It’s difficult to make friends. C. To make friends one has to be quite frank. D. To make friends one has to be friendly. 9. A. He doesn’t’ like it. B. He’s indifferent to it. C. He enjoys it. D. He cares about all the overtime. 10. A. They are having breakfast. B. They are eating some fruits. C. They are preparing a hot soup. D. They are drinking cold milk. Section B (5%) Directions: In this section, you will hear one dialogue and one short passage. Ar the end of the dialogue and the passage, you will hear some questions. The dialogue and passage as well as the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 11-12 are based on the following dialogue. 11. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 12. A. Because she worked for a long time yesterday. B. Because she went shopping yesterday. C. Because the twins were sick all night. D. Because she has just finished a long journey. Question 13-15 are based on the following passage. 13. A. Alcohol helps develop people’s intelligence. B. Heavy drinking is not necessarily harmful to one’s health. C. Controlled drinking helps people keep their wits as they age. D. Drinking, even moderately, may harm one’s health. 14. A. Worried. 13. Pleased. C. Surprised. 0. Unconcerned. 15. A. At a conference. B. On television. C. In a newspaper. D. In a journal. Part II Reading Comprehension (30 minutes, 30%) Directions: In this part there are four reading passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the best answer from the four choices. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center Questions 16-20 are based on the following passage. I heard many parents complaining that their teen-age children are rebelling. I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teen-agers are taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. (86) Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at one another’s hands for reassurance. They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up huddled round listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoons (茧) and entered a larger one. (87) It has become harder and harder for a teen-ager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teen-age market. These days every teen-ager can learn from the advertisements what a teen-ager should have and be. And many of today’s parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier for the teen-ager who wants to find his or her own path. But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don’t care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the only kind of popularity that really counts. 16. In the passage, the author wants to tell ________ A. readers how to be popular with people around B. people how to understand and respect each other C. parents how to control and guide their children D. teen-agers how to learn to decide things for themselves 17. According to the author, many teen-agers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but, in fact, most of them ______. A. are too young to do so B. are much afraid of getting lost C. dare not cope with problems single-handed D. have much difficulty understanding each other 18. Which of the following is NOT true? A. There is no popularity that really counts. B. It is not necessarily bad for a teen-ager to disagree with his or her classmates. C. What many parents are doing is in fact hindering their children from finding their own paths. D. Most teen-agers claim that they want to do what they like to, but they are actually doing the same. 19. What does the author think of advertisement? A. Convincing. B. Influential. C. Instructive. D. Authoritative. 20. During the teen-age years, one should learn to ________ A. find one’s real self B. get into the right reason and become popular C. differ from others in as many ways as possible D. rebel against parents and the popularity wave Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage. In order to learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of making mistakes. If the primary goal of language use is communication, the mistakes are secondary consideration that may be dealt with gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases. On the other hand, students should not ignore their mistakes. (88) The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, and how native expressions differ from the way the learner might say them. For example, a Spanish speaker who has been saying “1 do it” to express willingness to do something in the immediate future, could, by interacting with native speakers of English, observe that native speakers actually say “I’ ll do it”. The resulting discrepancy can serve as a basis for the student to modify his way of using the present tense in English. But a student who is unwilling to interact in the first place would lose this opportunity to learn by trial and error. 21. According to the passage, foreign language students should not worry too much about making mistakes because ________ A. native speakers will ignore their mistakes B. communication is the primary goal of language learning C. native speakers like foreign students who try to learn their language D. everyone makes mistakes when trying to communicate in a strange language 22. The passage indicates that the present tense in English is _________ A. basically the same in English as it is in Spanish B. not the most difficult problem for foreign students C. not used to express a desire to do something in the immediate future D. used with some verbs but not with others to express future intention 23. The author thinks that language learners can reduce the number of their mistakes by _____ A. asking native speakers for explanations B. reading good books in the foreign language C. speaking without regard to native speakers D. comparing their speech with that of native speakers 24. The passage implies that foreign students who do not interact with native speakers will not _ __. A. have to worry about making mistakes B. learn very much about the foreign culture C. learn about the history of the foreign language D. take advantage of available language models 25. The author's major conclusion about the function of mistakes in foreign language learning is that . A. mistakes do not interfere with communication B. learners are often very afraid of making mistakes C. mistakes are not important in the process of learning a language D. making mistakes can help the learner discover the rules of the language Questions 26-30 are based on the following passage During a state of deep relaxation, several physiological changes take place in the body: the body’s oxygen consumption is reduced; the heart beat decreases; muscle tension and sweating ease, and there is decreased sympathetic (交感的) nervous system activity. This restful state not only allows the body to repair and restore itself, but it has a calming effect on the consciousness. How to achieve this state of relaxation, however, is a matter of opinion, and in some medical circles, a matter of controversy. A recent report by Dr. David Holmes of the University of Kansas in the journal “American psychologist” said that simple sitting in an armchair has just as many beneficial characteristics for the body as meditation () does. Researchers of other relaxation techniques disagree. These experts believe that more structured techniques, such as meditation, lead to a condition of deep relaxation. (89) The debate goes on. but one thins appears to be clear: the relaxation response can be reached by a number of methods, and the methods themselves are not as important as getting there. One day, one method may work best; on another day, an alternative method may be more appropriate. Once you are aware of all the methods, you can find the one that works best for you. Some of the relaxation techniques are meditation, autoanalysis ( 自我心理 分析) and progressive muscle relaxation response than just sitting quietly in a chair, they have the added benefit of structure and discipline, and for these reasons appear to be more effective for most individuals. 26. The passage indicates that a state of deep relaxation is not only good for one’s body, but also beneficial to ________ A. heart beat B. consciousness C. muscle tension D. sympathetic nervous system 27. People seem to agree that ________ A. sitting in an armchair benefits a person as meditation does B. what people are struggling for is a state of deep relaxation C. to achieve a state of deep relaxation is possible through various means D. structured consciousness relaxation techniques are more beneficial for a person 28. In the third paragraph, the phrase ?°getting there?± most probably means A. arriving at one’s destination B. getting what one wants most C. reaching a state of deep relaxation D. finding out a suitable relaxation technique 29. As far as relaxation is concerned, the author indicates that ?a_____ A. aims are more important than means B. means are more important than aims C. some relaxation techniques are better than others D. more and more people are interested in relaxation techniques 30. The author’s attitude toward relaxation is best described as A. critical B. objective C. optimistic D. subjective Questions 31-35 are based on the following passage. I am not a computer expert. 1 never learned much in the way of math. And I am quite puzzled by things like engineering or electronics. Then why am I able to write about computers? I can write on this subject because of these shortcomings. The last two years of learning has been a severe test for me. By hard work I have managed to learn enough to use computers fairly well, and to work with people who know a great deal more than I. Since I have learned all this at such personal cost, I would like to share my knowledge with others.
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