
2020-06-29发布者:郝悦皓大小:362.50 KB 下载:0

conferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be "profess iona ls", or if "generalis ts", to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rationa l analys is. This on requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, als o to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM of mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from loca l learn, als o to to outs ide learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outs ide world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outs ide developments, learn other people's development approa ch, and then come back to guide our work. Second, we mus t think. "Learning without thought to overs hadow, think ing without learning is perilous." We want to foster the character of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promis ing State of mind. In order to do investigations, investigations is the road to heaven, God disposes of the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on mus t in-depth actua l, and outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discuss ion everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understa nd they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especia lly on masses mos t hope, and mos t urgent, and mos t worries, and mos t complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to active resea rch, caught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain "the old way doesn't work, the new approach would not" situation, the reason, the key is tha t many people know that copying other people's ideas, mecha nica lly, us ing someone else's old ways. To change this predicament, requires us to break the shackles of traditiona l concepts to overcome conservative, conformis t, good at finding new problems and to accept new things, summarize new experience, new ideas, developing new programmes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, speed up development. Especia lly in implement superior policy spirit of process in the, both implementation, and cannot mecha nica lly, to to extra ordinary of courage and develop enterpris ing of spirit, put flexibility and principle combined up, put superior of spirit and local reality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of policy, and exercise innovation of lift, developed out development works of, and grass-roots welcomes of, and 2014 年一级建造师机电工程考试真题及答案 一、单项选择题(共 20 题,每题 1 分。每题的备选项中,只有 1 个最符合题意) 1、电站锅炉炉墙上型钢制作的刚性梁通常采用( )制造。 A.工字钢工字钢 B.工字钢T 型钢 C.工字钢角钢 D.工字钢槽钢 【答案】A 【解析】电站锅炉钢架的立柱通常采用宽翼缘 H 型钢;为确保炉膛内压力波动时炉墙有一定的 强度,在炉墙上设有足够刚度的刚性梁。一般每隔 3mm 左右装设一层,其大部分采用强度足够的工 字钢制成。强调立柱与炉墙使用不同的型钢。 2、异步电动机与同步电动机相比,其缺点是( )。 A.工字钢结构较复杂 B.工字钢功率因数低 C.工字钢价格较高 D.工字钢启动麻烦 【答案】 B 【解析】在电动机的性能一节中,直流电动机的缺点是:结构复杂、价格高;同步电动机的缺 点是:结构较复杂、价格较贵、启动麻烦。而异步电动机的缺点是:与同步电动机相比,功率因数 不高。 3m、下列测量点中,不属于管线定位主点的是( ) 。 A.工字钢中点 B.工字钢起点 C.工字钢终点 D.工字钢转折点 【答案】A 【解析】在管线中心定位的测量方法一节中,管线的起点、终点及转折点称为管道的主点。 4、广泛应用于碳钢和低合金钢焊接的保护气体,成本较低的是( )。 严格按照兰州市关于文明施工工地的规范要求,创建市“文明安全样板工地。现场布置合理,材料、设备存设有序,道路畅通,场容整洁,劳动安排合理。采取有效的环境保护与控制扬尘污染措施,在施工过程中达到“市文明安全样板工地”的验收标准要求。市 ” “文明安全样板工地的”验收标准要求。 According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentra ted learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exchange, purpose is let we further deep understa nding mass line of connotation, ins isted party of mass line, do masses work, following main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education pra ctice activities of major meaning Party's 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the party's advanced nature and purity, in the party, with "pragmatic and clean for the people" as the main content of the party's mass line and educational practice. This is comra de XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the party's major decision is in line with the public expectations and strengthening the cons truction of learning-oriented service innovation of Marxist party's major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. First, carry out the party 's mass line in education practice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Party's 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socia lism with Chinese characteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 China 's gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rura l res idents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialis t modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese dream of rea lizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 Cong ress of the party, Comra de XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The bas ic connotation of the Chinese dream, is the nationa l prosperity, national revita lization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is to keep China Roa d, carry forward the spirit and cohes ion strength of China, drea m dreams of the people of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, China, China, China. Stra tegic conception of China was 18 the spirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, lea ding people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the party's mass line, helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideologica l bases. Comra de Mao Zedong stressed tha t parties should have "common language" socia list countries must have "unity of will". His tory has conferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be "profess iona ls", or if "generalis ts", to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rationa l analys is. This on requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, als o to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM of mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from loca l learn, als o to to outs ide learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outs ide world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outs ide developments, learn other people's development approa ch, and then come back to guide our work. Second, we mus t think. "Learning without thought to overs hadow, think ing without learning is perilous." We want to foster the character of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promis ing State of mind. In order to do investigations, investigations is the road to heaven, God disposes of the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on mus t in-depth actua l, and outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discuss ion everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understa nd they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especia lly on masses mos t hope, and mos t urgent, and mos t worries, and mos t complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to active resea rch, caught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain "the old way doesn't work, the new approach would not" situation, the reason, the key is tha t many people know that copying other people's ideas, mecha nica lly, us ing someone else's old ways. To change this predicament, requires us to break the shackles of traditiona l concepts to overcome conservative, conformis t, good at finding new problems and to accept new things, summarize new experience, new ideas, developing new programmes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, speed up development. Especia lly in implement superior policy spirit of process in the, both implementation, and cannot mecha nica lly, to to extra ordinary of courage and develop enterpris ing of spirit, put flexibility and principle combined up, put superior of spirit and local reality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of policy, and exercise innovation of lift, developed out development works of, and grass-roots welcomes of, and A.工字钢氩气 B.工字钢氦气 C.工字钢二氧化碳 D.工字钢氩气和二氧化碳的混合气体 【答案】C 【解析】在焊接技术的保护气体一节中, C02 气体: 是唯一适合于焊接的单一活性气体 , CO2 气体保护焊具有焊速高、熔深大、成本低和全空间位置焊接, 广泛应用于碳钢和低合金钢的 焊接。 5、设备安装精度控制中,采用修配法对补偿件进行补充加工的目的是( )。 A.工字钢解决设计存在的问题 B.工字钢抵消过大的安装积累误差 C.工字钢修补制造的加工缺陷 D.工字钢补偿零部件的装配偏差 【答案】 B 【解析】 在安装精度的控制方法一节中,必要时选用修配法,对补偿件进行补充加工, 抵消 过大的安装累计误差。这种方法是在调整法解决不了时才使用。 6、下列措施中,能预防由雷击造成输电线路停电的措施是( )。 A.工字钢减少绝缘子串的片数 B.工字钢采用高阻抗接地 C.工字钢增加杆塔的接地电阻 D.工字钢装设自动重合闸装置 【答案】D 【解析】在输电线路的防雷措施一节中,(1)架设避雷线,避免雷击(2)增加绝缘子的片 数加强绝缘(3m)减低杆塔接地电阻快速将雷电流引泄入地(4)装设自动重合闸预防雷击造成的外 绝缘闪络使断路器跳闸后的停电现象。 7、关于大型金属储罐内挂脚手架正装法施工的要求,正确的是( )。 A.工字钢一台储罐施工宜用 2 至 3m 层脚手架 B、在储罐壁板内侧挂设移动脚手架 C.工字钢脚手架随储罐壁板升高逐层搭设 严格按照兰州市关于文明施工工地的规范要求,创建市“文明安全样板工地。现场布置合理,材料、设备存设有序,道路畅通,场容整洁,劳动安排合理。采取有效的环境保护与控制扬尘污染措施,在施工过程中达到“市文明安全样板工地”的验收标准要求。市 ” “文明安全样板工地的”验收标准要求。 According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentra ted learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exchange, purpose is let we further deep understa nding mass line of connotation, ins isted party of mass line, do masses work, following main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education pra ctice activities of major meaning Party's 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the party's advanced nature and purity, in the party, with "pragmatic and clean for the people" as the main content of the party's mass line and educational practice. This is comra de XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the party's major decision is in line with the public expectations and strengthening the cons truction of learning-oriented service innovation of Marxist party's major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. First, carry out the party 's mass line in education practice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Party's 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socia lism with Chinese characteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 China 's gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rura l res idents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialis t modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese dream of rea lizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 Cong ress of the party, Comra de XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The bas ic connotation of the Chinese dream, is the nationa l prosperity, national revita lization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is to keep China Roa d, carry forward the spirit and cohes ion strength of China, drea m dreams of the people of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, China, China, China. Stra tegic conception of China was 18 the spirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, lea ding people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the party's mass line, helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideologica l bases. Comra de Mao Zedong stressed tha t parties should have "common language" socia list countries must have "unity of will". His tory has D.工字钢储罐的脚手架从上到“市文明安全样板工地”的验收标准要求。下交替使用 【答案】A 【解析】在金属储罐的常用组装方法的基本程序一节中,内挂脚手架正装法一共有六条,只 有 第(4)条:一台储罐施工宜用 2 层至 3m 层脚手架,1 个或 2 个楼梯间,脚手架从下至上交替使用 与答案 A 一致。 8、大型汽轮发电机组轴系对轮中心找正时,应以( )为基准。 A.工字钢低压转子 B.工字钢中压转子 C.工字钢高压转子 D.工字钢电机转子 【答案】A 【解析】在电站汽轮机的安装技术要点的轴系对轮中心的找正一节中有答案。 9、可燃气体检测器的安装位置应根据所测气体的( )确定。 A.工字钢数量 B.工字钢流量 C.工字钢体积 D.工字钢密度 【答案】D 【解析】。在仪表设备安装的成分分析和物性检测仪表安装一节中,可燃气体检测器和有毒气 体检测器的安装位置应根据所检测气体的密度确定。在智能化施工技术的监控设备的安装要求中有 类似的描述。 10、导热性及温差急变性好,并易于机械加工的衬里材料是( )。 A.工字钢耐酸陶瓷板 B.工字钢不透性石墨板 C.工字钢辉绿岩板 D.工字钢膨胀珍珠岩板 【答案】B 【解析】在设备及管道防腐蚀材料类型中各种砖、板、和管材衬里一节,只有不透性石墨板和 管材衬里优点与题目相符。 严格按照兰州市关于文明施工工地的规范要求,创建市“文明安全样板工地。现场布置合理,材料、设备存设有序,道路畅通,场容整洁,劳动安排合理。采取有效的环境保护与控制扬尘污染措施,在施工过程中达到“市文明安全样板工地”的验收标准要求。市 ” “文明安全样板工地的”验收标准要求。 According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentra ted learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exchange, purpose is let we further deep understa nding mass line of connotation, ins isted party of mass line, do masses work, following main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education pra ctice activities of major meaning Party's 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the party's advanced nature and purity, in the party, with "pragmatic and clean for the people" as the main content of the party's mass line and educational practice. This is comra de XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the party's major decision is in line with the public expectations and strengthening the cons truction of learning-oriented service innovation of Marxist party's major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. First, carry out the party 's mass line in education practice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Party's 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socia lism with Chinese characteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 China 's gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rura l res idents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialis t modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese dream of rea lizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 Cong ress of the party, Comra de XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The bas ic connotation of the Chinese dream, is the nationa l prosperity, national revita lization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is to keep China Roa d, carry forward the spirit and cohes ion strength of China, drea m dreams of the people of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, China, China, China. Stra tegic conception of China was 18 the spirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, lea ding people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the party's mass line, helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideologica l bases. Comra de Mao Zedong stressed tha t parties should have "common language" socia list countries must have "unity of will". His tory has conferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be "profess iona ls", or if "generalis ts", to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rationa l analys is. This on requirements we, not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, als o to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM of mirror, also to gets is of road; not only to from loca l learn, als o to to outs ide learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outs ide world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outs ide developments, learn other people's development approa ch, and then come back to guide our work. Second, we mus t think. "Learning without thought to overs hadow, think ing without learning is perilous." We want to foster the character of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on whether there are delays, have anything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promis ing State of mind. In order to do investigations, investigations is the road to heaven, God disposes of the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, received effectiveness, on mus t in-depth actua l, and outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discuss ion everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understa nd they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they of wisdom, especia lly on masses mos t hope, and mos t urgent, and mos t worries, and mos t complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to active resea rch, caught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain "the old way doesn't work, the new approach would not" situation, the reason, the key is tha t many people know that copying other people's ideas, mecha nica lly, us ing someone else's old ways. To change this predicament, requires us to break the shackles of traditiona l concepts to overcome conservative, conformis t, good at finding new problems and to accept new things, summarize new experience, new ideas, developing new programmes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, speed up development. Especia lly in implement superior policy spirit of process in the, both implementation, and cannot mecha nica lly, to to extra ordinary of courage and develop enterpris ing of spirit, put flexibility and principle combined up, put superior of spirit and local reality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of policy, and exercise innovation of lift, developed out development works of, and grass-roots welcomes of, and 11、下列绝热材料中,宜做保冷绝热又能防火的绝热材料是( )。 A.工字钢岩棉 B.工字钢矿渣棉 C.工字钢玻璃棉 D.工字钢泡沫玻璃 【答案】D 【解析】在常用绝热材料及制品一节中。 12、通常情况下,耐火浇注料搅拌均匀后应在( )内完成浇注 。 A.工字钢3m0min B.工字钢45min C.工字钢60min D.工字钢90min 【答案】A 【解析】在耐火浇注料施工技术要点的施工中的技术要求要点一节中。 13m、关于建筑管道系统试验的说法,正确的是( )。 A.采用气压试验时,应编制专项方案,并经监理批准 B.室外排水管网应按系统进行整体试验 C.首层取两处室内消火栓试射,检验两股充实水柱同时喷射到“市文明安全样板工地”的验收标准要求。达最远点的能力。 D.当设计未注明试验压力时,应按类似工程经验数据进行压力试验 【答案】C 【解析】在建筑管道工程施工程序的施工程序要点中系统试验一节,选项 A 应为“压力试验宜采 用液压试验并应编制专项方案,当需要进行气压试验时应有设计人员的批准”;选项 B 应为“室外排 水管网按排水检查井分段试验”;选项 D 应为“按规范要求进行” 。 14、用于室内排水的立管与排出管端部的连接应采用( )。 A.工字钢90º 斜四通 B.工字钢两个 45º 弯头 C.工字钢45º 弯头 严格按照兰州市关于文明施工工地的规范要求,创建市“文明安全样板工地。现场布置合理,材料、设备存设有序,道路畅通,场容整洁,劳动安排合理。采取有效的环境保护与控制扬尘污染措施,在施工过程中达到“市文明安全样板工地”的验收标准要求。市 ” “文明安全样板工地的”验收标准要求。 According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentra ted learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exchange, purpose is let we further deep understa nding mass line of connotation, ins isted party of mass line, do masses work, following main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education pra ctice activities of major meaning Party's 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the party's advanced nature and purity, in the party, with "pragmatic and clean for the people" as the main content of the party's mass line and educational practice. This is comra de XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the party's major decision is in line with the public expectations and strengthening the cons truction of learning-oriented service innovation of Marxist party's major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. First, carry out the party 's mass line in education practice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Party's 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socia lism with Chinese characteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 China 's gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rura l res idents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialis t modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese dream of rea lizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 Cong ress of the party, Comra de XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The bas ic connotation of the Chinese dream, is the nationa l prosperity, national revita lization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is to keep China Roa d, carry forward the spirit and cohes ion strength of China, drea m dreams of the people of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, China, China, China. Stra tegic conception of China was 18 the spirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, lea ding people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the party's mass line, helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideologica l bases. Comra de Mao Zedong stressed tha t parties should have "common language" socia list countries must have "unity of will". His tory has D.工字钢90º 斜三通 【答案】B 【解析】在建筑管道施工技术要点的排水管道安装要求一节中,立管与排出管端部的连接,应 采用两个 45º 弯头或曲率半径不小于 4 倍管径的 90º 弯头。 15、电梯安装工程中,不属于自动扶梯分项工程的是( )。 A.工字钢设备进场验收 B.工字钢土建交接检验 C.工字钢质量监督检验 D.工字钢整机安装验收 【答案】C 【解析】在电梯安装工程分部、子分部、分项工程的划分表格中,自动扶梯及自行人行道安装 子分部工程下包含:设备进场验收 、土建交接检验、整机安装验收。在建筑安装工程施工质量验收 统一要求的电梯工程子分部、分项工程的划分一节也有类似叙述。 16、在消火栓系统施工中,消火栓箱体安装固定的紧后工序是( )。 A.工字钢支管安装 B.工字钢附件安装 C.工字钢管道试压 D.工字钢管道冲洗 【答案】B 【解析】 在消防工程施工程序一节中,消火栓系统施工程序:施工准备—干管安装—支管安装 —箱体稳固—附件安装—管道调试压— 冲洗—系统调试。 17、控制计量器具使用状态检定是( )。 A.工字钢后续检定 B.工字钢周期检定 C.工字钢使用中检定 D.工字钢一次性检定 【答案】C 【解析】在计量检定的分类中,按检定的目的和性质分一节分为:首次检定、 后续检定、使用 中检定、周期检定和仲裁检定。而使用中检定: 控制计量器具使用状态的检定。 严格按照兰州市关于文明施工工地的规范要求,创建市“文明安全样板工地。现场布置合理,材料、设备存设有序,道路畅通,场容整洁,劳动安排合理。采取有效的环境保护与控制扬尘污染措施,在施工过程中达到“市文明安全样板工地”的验收标准要求。市 ” “文明安全样板工地的”验收标准要求。 According to Office Party of mass line education practice activities led group of unified arrangements, units main led to for cadres workers Shang a times party lecture, due to himself level limited, only put this stage concentra ted learning of experience today and everyone common with learning exchange, purpose is let we further deep understa nding mass line of connotation, ins isted party of mass line, do masses work, following main from four a aspects told: a, and full awareness party of mass line education pra ctice activities of major meaning Party's 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the party's advanced nature and purity, in the party, with "pragmatic and clean for the people" as the main content of the party's mass line and educational practice. This is comra de XI Jinping as party General Secretary and adhere to strictly administering the party, strengthen the party's major decision is in line with the public expectations and strengthening the cons truction of learning-oriented service innovation of Marxist party's major deployment, is the important measure to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. First, carry out the party 's mass line in education practice, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream of urgent needs. Party's 18 to promote strategic deployment to building socia lism with Chinese characteristics, presents two 100-year goal, namely, by 2020 China 's gross domestic product and per capita income of urban and rura l res idents in 2010 on the basis of double complete the building of a well-off society; the middle of this century into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious Socialis t modern country, and on this basis, the Chinese dream of rea lizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 Cong ress of the party, Comra de XI Jinping repeatedly expounded the Chinese dream. The bas ic connotation of the Chinese dream, is the nationa l prosperity, national revita lization, the happiness of the people, China important to follow is to keep China Roa d, carry forward the spirit and cohes ion strength of China, drea m dreams of the people of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, achieve self-reliance, to build a stronger China, civilization, harmony, beauty, China, China, China. Stra tegic conception of China was 18 the spirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, lea ding people to hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth the fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the party's mass line, helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideologica l bases. Comra de Mao Zedong stressed tha t parties should have "common language" socia list countries must have "unity of will". His tory has
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