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2013 年 9 月公共英语四级考试真题及答案 Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) 听力 1-10 略 11、听材料,回答问题。 World AIDS Day is a day to A.consider the treatment of individuals with the AIDS virus. B.show the importance of the AIDS Association. C.call on doctors to place more importance on AIDS patients. D.celebrate the achievements in the control of AIDS. 12、What is the theme for the next year' s AIDS campaign? A.Development of a cure for AIDS. B.Fair treatment of AIDS patients. C.Progress in AIDS research. D.Courage to live with AIDS. 13、How many women were infected with the AIDS virus last year? A.2 million. B.4 million. C.19 million. D.39 million. 14、听材料,回答问题。 What did Biko study in the university? A.Politics. B.Black nationalism. C.Medicine. D.Government policies. 15、When did Biko become the honorary president of the Black People' s Convention? A.1968. B.1972. C.1973. D.1977. 16、What did the South African Government do with the Black Consciousness Movement at the beginning? A.Put up with it. B.Restricted its activities. C.Arrested its leaders. D.Granted limited approval. 17、听材料,回答问题。 What is the purpose of Left-handers International? A.To help left-handers find better jobs. B.To change public attitudes towards left-handers. C.To rid left-handers of their prejudices. D.To show the public the talents of left-handers. 18、What have researchers found in their studies of hand preference? A.Children don't show strong hand preference until six. B.Children under three tend to have a favorite eye and ear. C.There are as many male left-handers as female ones. D.Left-handers are more interesting than right-handers. 19、Left-handers seem more athletic because they A.are more energetic. B.persist in physical training. C.possess a creative impulse. D.have a better sense of space. 20、What is the problem some left-handers might suffer from? A.Slowness in communication. B.Awkwardness in action. C.Speech defect. D.Difficulty in writing. Section II Use of English (15 minutes) 英语常识 根据材料,回答下列 21-40 问题。 Pragmatism is a philosophical movement that has had a major impact on American culture from the late 19th century to the present.Pragmatism calls 21 ideas and theories to be tested in practice, by 22 whether acting upon the idea or theory produces desirable or undesirable results. The ideas of the pragmatists were considered 23 when they first appeared.To some critics, pragmatism' s 24 to affirm any absolute standards carded negative implications for society. 25 , pragmatists do not believe that a single absolute idea of goodness or justice exists, but 26 that these concepts are changeable and depend on the 27 in which they are being discussed.The 28 of these absolutes, critics feared, could result in a (n) 29 in moral standards.The pragmatists' denial of absolutes, 30 , challenged the foundations of religion, government, and schools of thought. 31 , pragmatism influenced developments in psychology, sociology, and many other schools and movements. 32 political groups have also drawn 33 the assumptions of pragmatism, from the progressive movements of the early 20th century to later experiments in social reform. Pragmatism is best 34 in its historical and cultural context.It arose during the late 19th century, a period of rapid scientific advancement 35 by the theories of British biologist Charles Darwin, whose theories 36 to many thinkers that humanity and society are in a 37 state of progress.During this same period, a decline in 38 religious beliefs and values accompanied the industrialization and material progress of the time.In 39 , it became necessary to rethink 40 ideas about values, religion, science, community, and individuality. 21、 A.for B.in C.out D.off 22、 A.discussing B.predicting C.assessing D.questioning 23、 A.reasonable B.credible C.revolutionary D.attractive 24、 A.effort B.refusal C.intention D.hesitation 25、 A.In turn B.Above all C.For example D.In addition 26、 A.rather B.also C.still D.even 27、 A.domain B.vicinity C.context D.surrounding 28、 A.subject B.defect C.existence D.absence 29、 A.change B.decline C.correction D.interest 30、 A.therefore B.nevertheless C.anyway D.moreover 31、 A.As a rule B.On the contrary C.As a result D.On average 32、 A.Particular B.Various C.Significant D.Few 33、 A.on B.in C.up D.forth 34、 A.simulated B.handled C.practiced D.understood 35、 A.typified B.systemized C.generalized D.justified 36、 A.Supposed B.contributed C.implied D.suggested 37、 A.perpetual B.consistent C.prosperous D.temporary-
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