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2020-07-15发布者:郝悦皓大小:3.29 MB 下载:0

2018 下半年教师资格考试初中英语面试真题及答案 第一批 初中英语 阅读 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students will master the basic format of argumentation and get the general idea of the passage. Ability aim: Students will write argumentation to express their views on different issues. Emotional aim: Students will be interested in learning English and are no longer afraid of writing in English. Key and difficult point: Key Point: Students will master how to write an argumentation. Difficult Point: Students will express their opinions in daily life through argumentative essays. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Show students different types of mobile phones and ask them to discuss similarities and differences. Step 2: Pre-reading Ask students two questions and some volunteers will be invited to share their answers. Q1: Do you have a mobile phone? Are you satisfied with it? Q2: What is the most important factor when you choose your mobile phone? Step 3: While-reading 1st reading: Ask students to read the passage for the first time and figure out the main idea and genre of the passage. 2nd reading: Ask students to read the passage for the second time and pay attention to the structure of the passage. Some students will be invited to try to summarize the format of the argumentation. Step4: Post-reading 1. Discussion: Four students in a group, ask them to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones for junior high school students. 2. Outlining: Ask students to write an outline based on their opinions about the influence of mobile phones for junior high school students. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class. Homework: ask students to revise their outline and complete their composition after class. Blackboard design: 【答辩题目解析】 1. Please talk about your blackboard. 【参考答案】 Thanks for your question. As we all know, blackboard design is very important for teaching. Firstly, it can help teacher present the teaching content. Students can understand the main content of the lesson easily. Secondly, it helps students to break through teaching key and difficult points. Students can have enough time to think and observe the knowledge. Thirdly, it helps student to take notes and develop good writing habits. Based on these functions, my blackboard design can be divided into three parts. The title is very simple and clear. And then is the main topic of the passage, students can easily understand the task of today’s lesson. The last part is the key point of the lesson. I present the basic format of argumentation, which takes more time in class. By doing so, students can easily master the argumentation format and write their own outline according to it. 2. Why did you design your post-reading activities in this way? 【参考答案】 Thanks for your question. The purpose of language learning is to communicate. In my opinion, there are only two ways to communicate, that is, speaking and writing. In this class, I designed it as a reading lesson. After reading the article, students had a good understanding of the topic and the basic format of the article. So I designed a discussion first. Students could express their views freely on the topic. Of course, the format of argumentation was taught in class, so students were supposed to practice it. So I organized the second activity, that is, wrote an outline. Students could write their own outlines according to what they have discussed before. In this way, the input and output of this lesson will be more reasonable and diverse. 初中英语 词汇 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students will master the expression of asking jobs-What does she do? She is a doctor. Student will understand words about different jobs: doctor actor policeman and so on. Ability aim: Students will improve their abilities of speaking and listening. Emotional aim: Students will be more confident in speaking English. And show their respect to different jobs. Key and difficult point: Key Point: Students will master how to ask jobs in English. Difficult Point: Students will use the sentence structure in daily life. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song and ask student what the song mainly about. “be what you wanna to be” Doctor actor lawyer or a singer Why not president be a dreamer You can be just the one you wanna be Police man fire fighter or a post man Why not something like your old man You can be just the one you wanna be Doctor actor lawyer or a singer Why not president be a dreamer You can be just the one you wanna be Step 2: Presentation 1. Show pictures of different jobs and explain the working environment, working place, working content. the spelling and pronunciation of the words. 2. Introduce the new sentence and write is on the blackboard “What do you do?” “I’m a student” “What does she do?” “She is a doctor.” Step 3: Practice 1. Ask and answer between teacher and student. “What do you do?” “I’m a student” 2. Show a video clip from “ZOOTOPIA” and ask students what does Judy Hopps do? What does Gazelle do? 3. Listen to the tape and finish the exercise on the text book. Step4: Production 1. Role-play: ask students to make a dialogue according to the picture in the textbook. 2. Survey: ask students to make a survey about their parents’ jobs. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class. Homework: ask students to practice the sentence structure learned today with desk mates after class. Blackboard design:
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