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2015 年 2 月托福真题回忆及解析 【导语】执起“奋斗”的笔,过去的梦想未完待续;扬起“坚持”的帆,继续追寻梦想的航船;高 举“努力”的旗,相信明天的更加美丽,朋友,鼓足劲继续为梦想奋斗吧,加油!下面是无忧 考网小编为你整理的 2015 年 2 月托福部分真题,希望可以帮到你!2015 年 2 月托福在 1 日举行了一场考试 2 月 1 日托福独立口语真题回忆: Task 1: Which of the following is the most effective way of learning: studying from textbooks, having discussion with a group or reading articles written by others. Please use specific reasons to support your idea. 今天的考题同样是三选一,重复北美 2013 年 10 月 5 日的考题关于学习方式或 者方法 的话题是高频考题。TPO 中多次出现,如独立完成作业/跟其他人一起写 作业 (TPCX3 ),网络学习/传统教室学习(TPOf7 ),上网查资料/查书(TPOI3 ), 研究报告/演 讲/小组项目哪个对学生最有益(TPO28 ),人多的地方/人少的地方 学习(TPO29 )。去 年 14 年的考题也考过多次,如有问题是问老师/问同学,上课记笔记/听老师讲(重复两 次,虽然题目看似比较多,但是如果大家注意灵活 变通,很多题目的答案其实都可以依 葫芦画瓢,稍加变换就可以用在相关其它的 题目中。例如上述 TP03 ,选择跟其他人一起 写作业,理由是可以讨论,遇到问题可以立即解决,问题不会积累;还可以说学习其他 人的想法,用多种方法来解 决问题,扩展思路;还可以说人多学习气氛好,效率高。完 全相同的内容可以套 用在传统教室学习,小组项目,人多的地方学习等题目上,当然对 于今天的题目 也同样适用。再举一个例子,14 年还考到了这样两道题道题:谈一谈你 跟其他 人不一样的学习方法,你想学习的一个人,其实可以套用上课记笔记/听老师讲 这—题的答案:My friend usually pays more attention to what the teacher says during the class and takes notes after the class according to his own understanding. I think this is a very effective way of study because he can get a better grasp of the class and it improves his ability to summarize information. This is something I can learn from. However, most of my classmates prefer to spend long time trying to take every single detail down on their notebook but end up not understanding the class quite well. 其实托福口语的备考并没有想象的困难与其在临考前把时间花在所谓的机经押宝上,还不 如平日里加强对于高频话题的熟练度和大量的口头练习来的实际,这样不管题目如何变化 都可以灵活应对。 以下是今天考题的 sample answer I think having a discussion with a group is the most effective way of study compared with the other two because it is more of an active way to study. When I contribute my thoughts, I am also able to learn from different peopled ideas and opinions in a short time, which sometimes can offer me a new perspective and broaden my horizon. For example, I joined a group discussion on gene-modified products last week. After the discussion, I learned a lot from other team members about the potential threat of consuming gene-modified produce for long time, something I didn’t realize before. I think I benefited more from actively getting involved in a discussion than just simply reading the textbooks or other peopled articles. 这个答案虽然只讲了一个点,但是采用是 reasoning+example 的经典模式,末尾 加 入了一句对比补充了一点内容,也可以使答案更切题。 Task2 Do you agree or disagree that people should wear clothes according to fashion? 重复北美 2012 年 6 月 8 日考题。从目前的形式来看,接下来的考试依然还是会重复 12—14 年的旧题。当然对于这种题目同意反对均可,只要言之有理即可。 以下是该题的 sample answer. I definitely think that people should not follow the fashion. First of all, Fashion always changes. So if people follow fashion closely, the clothes they bought will go out date very quickly and they will always want to spend money buying new clothes, especially for girls, which is a vicious cycle for sure. Take mv cousin as an example. She is so obsessed with the fashion magazines and usually buys zillions of clothes from overseas every season, but she doesn’t even take a look at them the next year. This is really crazy and a total waste of money and time. And also, fashionable clothes are not necessarily suitable for everyone. If people follow fashion blindly, the clothes will just look tacky on them and people will lose their own identity. 这个答案讲了两个点,重点讲了第一点并举例,第二点只是作为补充在考场上, 理由不要 贪多,能把一个观点讲清楚足矣,关键仍然在于细节和表达的流畅度。 2 月 1 曰托福作文真题回忆: Do you agree or disagree: Movies and television have more negative than positive effects on young people behave. 解析:这道题目是一道对比类的题目,这种题目在考试中占有很大的比例,也希望各位 考生在今后的备考中多多注意这类题型。 两者对比类的题目在寻找思路时,一般从利弊角度来考虑,选择 a 的话,寻找 a 的好 处,或者 b 的弊端,这道题目其实更简单化了,本身的题目就是在问电视、电影的正面 和负面影响 f 所以解题角度并不难。 同意和不同意都可以写,比如同意电视的负面影响更大,我们可以写电视的暴力内容对年 轻人的影响,长时间看电视对年轻人的健康、学习、交流能力的影响,等等都可以来写。 如果不同意,认为电视的正面影响更多,我们就可以围绕电视的两大功能—educate & entertain 来写。 下面是一篇文章,供各位考生参考。 The fact that many teenagers love to watch television has become a huge concern for parents and educators. Although some people claim that televisions actually can be conducive to young people, serving as a reliable source of information as well as a main approach to reduce stress, I believe that the negative effects outweigh its benefits. First of all, television can expose teenagers to violence and intense images that can be detrimental to their emotional well-being. The increasing scenes of violence and pornography inevitably cause imitation among teenagers. Since they were in that particular stage of life, anything they are exposed to would generate serious impact in their mind. Not realizing the severe consequences of the aggressive behavior could generate, kids, especially young ones, may play kicking, punching and slapping for fun, but end up with doing this as a habit, thus gradually becoming annoying and not welcomed by others. Children are vulnerable and their minds absorb so much, so exposing them to violence, bad language or nudity can really damage them in the future. According to a recent survey conducted by Chinese Adolescent Delinquency Association, after polling hundreds of young criminals aged 12 to l8, most respondents claimed that they copied violent behavior learnt from television shows or movies. Thus to some extent, the media is responsible for some problematic teenagers* behavior. Additionally, television can also affects young people* s physical and mental health. Since the invention of television in 1926, television has brought billions of minutes of programming to living rooms all over the world, and it’ s almost too easy to be a couch potato for hours with the amount of television available today. Sitting in front of television, staring on the screen for like 6 hours straight, with their mouth being stuffed with snack, can definitely lead to a poor sight, sore shoulders, stiff neck and obesity. As seen from a report issued by Educational Association, the number of students in middle school wearing glasses has shot up to 56%, 3 times higher than a decade ago. Also, television functioning as a main source of entertainment like a magnet, draws upon people's attention, young people in particular, hence hugely reducing their outdoor activities. Though watching Ellen Show can let those teenagers have a good laugh and relax, even tearing up bits, it shows that after all 8 hours school study, watching entertaining programs does little positive impact on health. Physical activities, like bike riding, which is helping the respiratory system and make the skeleton stronger and improve co-ordination, should be something that young people to do for the sake of maintaining healthy. Lastly, the trend that young people alienate themselves from communicating with their family members should also be attributed to the popularity of television. Thus, gradually, the family relationship can be negatively affected. Though some people may claim that watching TV can be an activity that most families of today use to bond with each other, actually a typical scene in modern family is that 7 fifth grade boy looking at Super Spider in his room after school locked in the room, totally into this movie, without even noticing the knock from his mom on the door. What is more, they probably will have problems in interacting with others as they grow up, since TV time take up the activities that they are supposed to hang out with friends. So, in this respect, young people can behave more introverted. In a nutshell, watching television and movies can exert negative effects on youth’s emotional development, health and communicating ability. 2 月 1 日托福大陆阅读真题回忆: 第一篇:The Rise and the Fall of Chaco Phenomenon 考生回忆:大约 11 世纪的时候,在某个 canyon 出现了大量的 great houses,后来停 止了建造,然后在 13 世纪的时候被遗弃了。建造这种 house 很费木材和人力,需要 collective work。它所在的位置如今是很干很恶劣的地方,于是 17 世纪的人们推测这个 地方是从前是个绿洲,不然的话人们是不会过来盖房子的。后来因为过度砍伐导致生态环 境严重恶化所以被遗弃。后来在 19 世纪的时候,人们又有新的证据证明此处其实从来没 有过森林,所以树木一定是从远处运输过来,同时建筑学家研究发现这些 houses 处在一 个网状结构的中心,可能是一个 regional center,同时周围有居民的房子,又发现了一 些遗迹和遗留的器皿,所以推断这些 house 是一个非常重要的 labor community,同时 又很重要的宗教用途。地质学研究发现在那段时间大量的水资源存在于那个地方,宗教用 途的推断受到质疑。研究者认为可能是因为这个地方很适宜发展农业,所以人们才迁移过 来。 机经词汇: signify indicate cease stop disperse function scatter purpose ponder think about fundamental basic mandate require promote encourage allege suppose controversial Debatable inconclusive not decisive elaborate well develop 第一篇:The Rise and the Fall of Chaco Phenomenon 考生回忆:大约 11 世纪的时候,在某个 canyon 出现了大量的 great houses , 后来停 止了建造,然后 在 13 世纪的时候被遗弃了。建造这种 house 很费木材和人力,需要 collective work。它所在的位置如今是很干很恶劣的地方,于是 17 世纪的人们推测这个地方是从 前是个绿洲,不然的话人们是不会过来盖房子的。 后来因为过度砍伐导致生态环境严重 恶化所以被遗弃。后来在 19 世纪的时候,人们又有新的证据证明此处其实从来没有过森
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