
2020-07-17发布者:郝悦皓大小:165.00 KB 下载:0

2017 年 6 月托福真题回忆及解析 所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。无忧考网搜集整理了 2017 年 6 月托福真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2017 年 6 月举行了 3 场考试, 时间分别为 6 月 3 日、6 月 10 日、6 月 25 日。以下内容仅供参考。 6 月 3 日托福口语真题回忆: T1 Which one would you like to choose for your final project: presentation,writing paper, making video. 范文: Personally, Ild you like to choose for your final project: presentation,writing paper, making video.盖的,所以 weather 的影响有限。但是慢慢的,等到水面 退去,露出来之后,酸雨对它有影响。学生纳闷那个地方环境很好,没硫酸,老 师说实际上是弱酸碳酸对它的影响。, and also you can add in some visual aids and make a very spectacular layout to keep your audience listening. I remember last semester, our group chose to do a presentation instead of taking a final exam for the linguistic course. We spent like a month to select materials, take video clips of interviewees, and design our power point presentation and stuff. And it turned out that our presentation was a great success and has left a deep impression on our professor and classmates. Until now, Dr. Lee is still proud of us. T2 Do you agree or disagree with this statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help. 范文: Personally I dondisagree with this statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help.has left a deep impression on our professor and classmates. Until now, Dr. Lee is still roverted and don’t want to bother others with our own trouble. So I would voluntarily ask if my friends need my help when I notice that they meet with trouble. Like once I saw my BBF Jing was upset about something, so I just asked what happened. And it turned out that she wanted to buy a present for her cousin but she was kind of in a financial crisis. Learning about this, I lent her some money to pull trough the crisis. This is what friends should do. T3 阅读标题:cancel the right to visit school garden 原因 1 : People always pick up flowers in the garden and this is the place only for researchers. 原因 2 : Students can go to other place not far away to enjoy the scenery. 听力态度:disagree 原因 1 : We do not know this is just for researchers, they can just put up rules and we will obey them. 原因 2 : other parks are so far away from here and lots of students do not have cars to go there and the transportation is limited, it is not easy to find a one like this. T4 阅读标题:geoengineering 定义:Use some unusual way to reverse the environmental pollution 听力例子:We can use a common rock to absorb the CO2 in the atmosphere; the rock is abundant and easy to find it a totally new method to solve the environmental problem. T5 问题: Roommate painted the wall but accidentally paint the speaker's new green coat and this is the only coat she has for this winter because she has already thrown the old-fashioned one. 解决方案 1 : The roommate offered to buy a new one for her 优点 1 : She can afford. 缺点 1 : The speaker thinks this is also her fault that she did not place the coat in the right place. 解决方案 2 : borrow an old one from her sister 优点 2 : Her sister do has one. 缺点 2 : It is old-fashioned , she really likes the messed-up one T6 话题:internal business constraints 要点 1 : This includes something relate to equipment and other elements. 例子 1 : Not suitable equipment: when a supermarket just has old cashier register it will take longer time to account and some customers will be angry to wait for such a long time. 例子 2 :Lack of employee training: also in a supermarket when a customer asks for the location of a good and the employee shows the wrong direction the customer will be so annoyed and leave without buying anything. 6 月 3 日托福听力真题回忆: Conversation1:Professor and students 内容回忆:一个女学生跟教授聊天,教授开头先问女生假期是否有 trip ,女 生说这里是她家乡,不离开。然后女学生说对这里的人类学和考古学研究很感兴 趣。女学生希望教授能帮她找一份做看管家的暑期工作,尤其是那些假期出去玩, 没有人在家看看宠物的,但要有薪水。老师说女学生可以来人类学系给他当助手, 做一些整理资料论文的工作,女学生觉得很棒,然后同时她也想带着做看门的工 作,后来老师说我们找个时间在仔细商量。 Conversation2:Professor and students 内容回忆:学生跟老师商量,论文的写作,请老师给出一些建议。 Lecture1: Biology 内容回忆:讲到生物的共生关系分成四种。第一种是 parasites(寄生),寄生), 第二种是 contend(寄生),竞争)什么的,第三种是 mutualism(寄生),互利共生),第四 种是捕食的。第一种 parasite 的关系,一方获得利益,一方遭受损失。第二种是 有轻微的获利或者轻微的损失。第三种是互惠的,就像细菌给一种虫子提供养分, 虫子给细菌提供生活场所。第四种是复杂的关系,它举例说一种 worm 吃昆虫, 昆虫内部有细菌,细菌会把昆虫一步步分解成碎片,这些碎片可以提供给 worm。 所以细菌和 worm 是 mutualism,细菌和昆虫是 parasites。 Lecture2: Art 内容回忆:现代艺术,讲一位日本艺术家叫 nogushi 什么的,特别擅长使 用各种材料雕刻,开始说他雕刻的材料很丰富,啥都能够用来雕刻。后是到他居 然可以用 paper 去做纸灯笼,非常精致美丽。然后最后又举出一个例子,他给一 位舞蹈家做雕刻,刻的很逼真很棒。 Lecture3: History 内容回忆:讲一份 manuscript,手写的不是打出来的,是由羊皮纸做的。一开 始这份手稿流失,然后一位书販好像在藏书馆里找到了它。后来分别讲解用各种 科技方法去考察这个手稿写了啥,提到了紫外线照射法,x 光,还有光谱学研究 写字的墨水的成分。 Lecture4:Geology 内容回忆:讲一个叫 hoodoo 的地质特征,特别有意思还配了图,像喀斯 特地貌似得。研究这个奇特现象形成的原因。有学生说是不是风刮的,老师说不 是。后来老师说有以下原因,第一个是这个奇特地貌以前是被水覆盖的,所以 weather 的影响有限。但是慢慢的,等到水面退去,露出来之后,酸雨对它有影 响。学生纳闷那个地方环境很好,没硫酸,老师说实际上是弱酸碳酸对它的影响。 慢慢的风也对它有风化作用,而且它有小孔,水流到孔中结冰也会破坏它。 6 月 3 日托福阅读真题回忆: Passage one 主题:Birdsong 内容回忆: 有研究表明有一种鸟类会在出生的几周模仿同类的叫声,一直到八个月之后才开 始有自己独特的叫声,但是这些小鸟都是雄性。小鸟模仿雄性成年鸟类(寄生),adult) 的时候频率等等都很相似。一些科学家有研究用其他鸟类的叫声或者 recording 的声音放给这些幼鸟听,发现都是不能干扰它们的。所以他们在拥有此种叫声时 是经历了 interaction,特别是在建立 territory ,或者是区分 neighbor 的时候。 文章最后说道后来发现有其他的一些鸟类即使是聋了也会有自己的叫声。所以 interaction 与否也要取决于 species,结尾有例子 parrot 说他们模仿多的原因 是他们不论公母都会鸣叫,种类也多。 词汇题: 1. pioneering=original 2. distinct=separate 3. enabling=allowable 4. restrict=limited Passage two 主题:Economy of Roman 内容回忆: 罗马帝国当时兴盛促进了很多发展。例如,进口比出口还要多;经济好了;人们 也过上了 landowner 的生活;周边的国家密集贸易更加大了物资的交流。然而 有一些离它非常近的国家反而 die 因为过分依赖于邻国没有发展本国经济。 词汇题: 1. surplus=excess 2. stimulate=encouraging 3. lucrative=profitable 4. elaborate=complex Passage three 主题: Debates about dinosaurs 内容回忆: 先介绍了恒温和变温动物的区别,之后提出关于恐龙是恒温动物有很多证据: 1.表皮,发现表皮可以 maintain body temperature。 2.大部分生活在 temperate zone 不恒温无法生存。 3. the ratio of predator and prey :发现 prey 明显多于 predator,而很多 prey 都是恒温动物,代谢也少才能生存。 4. bone ring: 恒温动物没有 bone ring,恐龙也没有。 5. 生活地点多种类多和其他的 mammal 对此了解。 词汇题: 1. resemble=looks like 2. preserve=maintain 3. conceivably= believably 6 月 3 日托福写作真题回忆: 综合 阅读: 讲鲸鱼,一只鲸鱼叫 iceberg ,还有一只叫 ica ,文章里说这俩是不一样 品种。 原因一:长相不一样,它身上的 patch 那个斑点。 原因二:出现的水域不一样。 原因三:估计年龄不一样。 听力:教授不同意,觉得他俩就是一个鲸鱼 原因一:这个鱼的斑纹差别很小,而且本来同一种就有不同斑纹。 原因二 :因为比如同样是 iceberg 它吃的食物也不一样,这个家伙喜欢吃鱼, 所 以它们生活的区域不一样。 原因三:估计鲸鱼的年龄是有误的,因为 20 岁的鲸鱼和 25,30 的都长得差不 多。 独立 Do you agree that people easily learn from the friends beside them? 答题思路: 首先,有共同话题是成为朋友的前提,所以意见容易接受; 其次,周围朋友沟通 频繁,对自身影响更多。 范文: The issue of whether people learn from friends without effort has triggered a heated discussion. Various people have entirely different perspectives due to their different backgrounds and experiences. As for me, I strongly hold the opinion that we can learn from our friends, but not as easily, because of their lack of sufficient teaching experience and systematic knowledge. There is no denying that we can usually learn from our friends, who are willing to help us most of the time, due to our similar interests. It is a fact that friends usually have common hobbies and interests, such as a game, a sport and an idol, which usually serve as shared topics in our daily communication. While information could be exchanged easily in this way, we are very likely to acquire what is needed. But I strongly disagree that it is as easy as what we have expected to learn from friends. There are varieties of sound reasons, but the following ones deserve notice. To begin with, their deficient teaching experience may sometimes waste us more time and energy. Rarely do most of our friends have a chance to teach officially, as they may not be teachers or tutors. Consequently, they are lack of teaching experience and teaching skills, probably providing an improper or impractical advice, even though they are knowledgeable enough. Following their instructions, we may have to spend more time and energy. By contrast, a professor or expert would assist with their long-term experience, saving us plenty of time and energy. For example, when we are trapped by a complicated math question, a friend may need thirty minutes, involving many calculations. Yet, a math professor may just need five minutes and one formula, cutting down plenty of time and work. Apart from their experience deficiency, our friends could not always teach us all what we want to learn, deriving from their shortage of systematic knowledge. Although friends would like to share their knowledge and experience with us, they are not omniscient. Owing to their defective knowledge, they cannot explain every detail as clearly as an experienced teacher or professional, who is aware of how to teach in an organized and feasible way. For instance, a friend can share with us how he or she plays basketball, but a coach can offer a more scientific training scheme, improving our stamina, speed, agility, shooting skills, defensive awareness and teamplay and so forth.
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