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2018 年 1 月托福真题回忆及解析 成功离不开一点一滴的积累,想要在托福考试中取得好成绩,必然少不了每天的坚持。为 了帮助大家高效备考,坚持学习,无忧考网搜集整理了 2018 年 1 月托福真题回忆及解析, 以供参考。2018 年 1 月举行了 4 场托福考试,分别为 1 月 6 日、1 月 13 日、1 月 27 日、 1 月 28 日。 1 月 6 日托福口语真题回忆: 综合点评 今天口语综合题的听力大部分同学反映比较简单;第一题出现两个问题比较罕见。 Task 1 内容回忆 It's difficult for people to save money. Why? Make some suggestions for helping people save money. 为什么人们很难省下钱,你觉得人们可以有什么省钱 的 好办法。 参考答案 In modern society, it seems that more money people earn, much harder it is for them to save financially. The reason for this phenomenon is, according to my opinion, that more and more sophisticated and user-friendly products, like iPhone, appear and companies sold them at higher price, which attracted consumers’ attention and allured them to pay more for such gadgets. From my perspective, first of all, making a budget is the most useful way. For example, if your salary is $5000, you could put 2500 aside as savings. What’s more, second-hand products still function well, but the price is comparatively much lower than that of first-hand ones. You could buy a second-hand Ford car with only $500 while it costs $1000 to get a new one. Task 2 内容回忆 Nowadays, some parents prefer homeschooling to sending their children to school. What do you think? 有些国家通过了 homeschool,谈一谈你对 于 这件事情的看法。 参 考 答 案 In my point of view, if parents are well-educated and they are familiar with educational psychology and teaching skills, I strongly suggest that their children be educated at home. These parents could educate their kids themselves or employ professionals in the education field to instruct the kids, since parents know their children better than school teachers. You know, parents stay and interact with them since their children’s babyhood, so they could find the most suitable way teaching their kids. In addition, parents could focus all of their attention on their own kids, so as to meet their personal needs, which could not be met at school where one teacher has to take care of more than 10 students. Task 3 学校图书馆为研究生开设了一片 private area。 原因 1:里面有单独的桌椅。 原因 2:可以锁门让学生把东西留在那里。 听力女生同意,她认为研究生经常要写 research paper 需要很多资料,每天来回搬很 麻烦,现在可以留在图书馆了。而且对于单独桌椅她也同意,因为她觉得研究生不像本科 生需要交流,她们更希望自己能专注不被打扰。 Task 4 Animal and plants occupy at different level。 定义:当一个生态系统里的最高级 Predator 消失后所带来的一系列影响。 听力 例子:在北美有一个区域一种动物以捕食鹿维生。不过当公路开通后很多游客来 旅游,很多车辆到来,这种动物就离开了这篇区域,鹿的数量就增加。数量增加的鹿又吃 了一种树,然后树变少就导致了依赖树的鸟无法生存,生物链一环一环影响下去,导致生 态系统有了很大变化。 Task 5 问题一个女孩子要去加州为姐姐的婚礼弹一个大提琴 chelo,飞机运去加州她怕损坏。 解决方案 1:可以买一个很贵的盒子来放乐器 优点:盒子以后还是可以用的,自己的乐器音色好,熟悉自己的乐器 缺点:已经花了很多钱买机票了,没钱买盒子 2:问一个朋友借 优点:省钱 缺点:音色不一定好,也不一定熟悉 Task 6 话题 contingent workforce 的好处 要点 1:可以做为替补的人 例子:一个学校里如果有个老师没来,就打电话给代课老师,所以学生肯定有课上 2: 给公司额外的帮助 例子: 有些商业随着季节变有淡旺季,所以就临时性招人。给了她们 town 举例子, warm month 游客多,有些餐厅就临时雇服务员 1 月 6 日托福写作真题回忆: 综合点评 2018 年首次托福写作考试难度一般,相信考生都能发挥得比较好。综合写作考的是历 史类话题,关于苏格兰的 Brochs 的功能猜想,和 TPO5 的综合写作比较接近,练习过该 题的学生应该不会觉得太难。本题重复了大陆 2015 年 7 月 4 日的考题。独立写作是生 活类话题,关于家庭成员定期一起吃饭是否重要,考生一般不会在思路上出现明显的障碍 , 但是例证方面可能会落入只有个人经历的俗套,这就要求考生能够掌握多种例证方式。本 题重复了 2014 年 11 月 8 日的考题。值得注意的是,本次考试的综合写作和独立写作部 分都重复了过去的考题,建议考生可以关注一下近几年的托福写作机经。 综合写作 话题分类:历史类 考题回忆:总论点关于苏格兰的 Brochs 的用途,阅读提出了三个可能的猜想,听力一 一予以反驳。 阅读部分 1. 提供像城堡一样的防御 2. 储存食物 3. 为贵族提供居住地 听力部分 1. 这种石墙没有窗户,没法射击前来攻击的敌人,因此不可能是防御工事 2. 这里面有 water tank,可能会使得食物腐烂,并且这里面有生火做饭的痕迹,如果 真是粮仓,会引发火灾 3. Brochs 有的是单独存在于较远的地方,有的是以 group 的形式存在的。而贵族不可 能群居,也不可能住在较远的地方解题思路本题重复了大陆 2015 年 7 月 4 日的考题, 同时 TPO5 的综合写作也和这道题目比较相似,考生可以参考。 参考范文:The reading and the listening have a debate on the purpose of Scotland Brochs. The listening refutes all three hypotheses proposed by the reading. First, the reading suggests that these brochs are used as a defense because they have thick and high walls. However, the listening argues that defense structure usually have windows so that people can shoot arrows against perpetrators, in order to repel attackers from getting closer, but these brochs do not have any windows. Second, the reading believes brochs to be food storage. However, the listening casts doubt on this, by saying that there are water tanks in the brochs. This might spoil the food stored in them since moisture tends to accelerate food decaying. Also, there is evidence of cooking inside the brochs, but cooking can easily cause fire, which again damage the food. Finally, the reading argues that these brochs could be the residence of the chieftains and leaders of the tribes. However, according to the speaker, this claim does not hold water, either. Normally, leaders live near their people, but brochs are isolated from villages. Also, brochs are built in clusters, but people certainly do not need so many leaders living close to each other. 独立写作 话题分类:生活类 考题回忆:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays it is not important for family members to regularly have meals together. Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea. 解题思路:和家人一起吃饭这件事情考生肯定经常做,但是很少有人会考虑这件事情是 否重要。如果觉得重要,常见的理由包括:增进亲情,交流近况,尊重传统等;而不重要 的 理由往往是有代沟,怕麻烦和浪费时间。考生在举例的时候可以使用个人经历,也可以使 用假设性的事例,甚至是统计数据等。 Disagree- not important -generation gap -geographical barrier -reduced efficiency Agree- important -strength family bond -exchange news -get advice -follow the customs -keep healthy 参考范文:With the accelerating pace of life, many people now are striving to keep a balance between life and work. As a result, some of them attach little importance to family meals, arguing that they can hardly spare time for a family get-together. However, in my opinion, it is still important for family members to have meals together regularly, since the meal encompasses more than simply food. First, having meals with our family means we can exchange news with other family members, which translates into a stronger family bond. As we all know, family meals always involve casual chat with family members over one’s recent development. In this way, we can get to know what others have done, are doing or are going to do. By exchanging personal news like this, we strengthen our family bond. For example, over a family meal on Saturday, the son may accidentally mention that he has made a first try on playing ice hockey this week and finds it fascinating. The father, being a big fan of ice hockey, is likely to keep a mind tag and may either take his son to practice or to watch a match. Eventually, the father and the son can form a strong bond between themselves. Second, regular family gatherings over meals allow us to seek advice from other family members. Normally, when someone faces an important decision or a puzzling problem, he or she turns to others for advice, and no occasion can be better than a casual family meal on which one can ask for advice without feeling embarrassed. For example, when the husband hints that he has been given a chance to work at an overseas branch, but was hesitant on this decision, because he is not sure whether this will put his wife under too much pressure, the wife may encourage him to seize the chance by telling him that she would certainly like to move to a new country so that she can experience different culture. Or if she really dislikes the idea, she can also wave it off or voice her own opinion in a casual way. Finally, eating regularly with our family helps us to keep healthy. For one thing, family meals usually follow a fixed schedule, which means one takes a certain meal at a certain time of the day. However, these days, when people are eating alone or attending a business banquet, they tend to eat too late or skip one or two meals for lack of time. This unhealthy lifestyle can certainly lead to some diseases related to digestion. For another, as family meals are often eaten at home, rather than at restaurants, we can eat healthier food. This is because home-made food often does not contain so much fat, salt or sugar as food at restaurants. Also, eating at home does not involve a lot of alcohol, which is quite common in business settings, especially in China. In the long run, we can easily keep our blood pressure and body fat at a normal level by eating regularly with our family at home. In conclusion, despite our ever tighter schedule, it is still important for us to squeeze time for family meals on a regular basis, as it allows us to exchange news, seek advice and keep healthy. 1 月 6 日托福听力真题回忆: Conversation: 1.男生来图书馆询问为什么网站的 link 没法用了他用 link 找期刊。女生回答说是外包 的某些数据库停止提供期刊了。不过不是所有的都停了。男生目前在做一个关于乔治华盛 顿如何当选总统的作业,看如果有电视会对那次选举造成影响吗。随后问咋办?女生建议 男生可以在图书馆里找,男生说他没办法 track down,老师说:不还有我呢么。老师还 说,你可以去别的图书馆查那个期刊。 2.女生过来找教授想选他的课,教授建议女生去读一些专业书籍 3.女生和教授谈论对于濒危物种的保护,人们存在偏见,人们更愿意去保护 elephant 等动物而忽略了不那么受欢迎的动物如昆虫、蜜蜂、青蛙等。这些对人类有帮助但人们很 少花钱在这上面。教授表示认同。 4.学生去年做了一个活动,今年还想继续,捐衣服和手工制品想让学生会帮忙,社团负 责人去问,老师说去年你们组织的我妻子还买了围巾,建议这个女生和另一个组织合作,
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